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Compulsive sexual behavior disorder is classified in the ICD – 11 (6C72), 2018. Excessive sexual impulse - lack of inhibition of sexual impulses, repetitive behavior that causes various psychological harm to those suffering from hypersexual disorder. This affects the personal, family and affective lives of the subjects. Psychopathology and semiology of mental disorders", the work of psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing, forms of "sexual deviations". Client story: I am 20 years old. I had no experience communicating with girls. To overcome my shyness, I received a theater education and acted in episodic roles in films. There is a problem since childhood. Upon contact, or rather during communication with girls, I can faint. I'm very nervous. If a girl touches me with her hand, up to my shoulder, or hair, I start to choke. I'm shaking. Panic. I want to run away, it’s bad. Recently I was invited to appear in a short video, walking down the catwalk in clothes worn by models. Girls walked next to me. I fainted. You can't live like that. Please help me. Question to the client: Simon, hello! Please tell us who you grew up with and about your family. Client response: Hello! My parents have been gone for a long time. I was raised by an aunt who didn’t care about me. She is no longer there either. They lived very poorly. I felt abandoned and useless. Answer to client: Have you turned to specialists? Client answer: No, it was a shame that anyone would find out about this. Answer to client: Semyon, I need to understand a lot. I'll ask you questions. Since how old have you been experiencing panic attacks? How do you cope with anxiety on your own? Client’s answer: I don’t remember the age, but it was a long time ago. I’m going into isolation, hiding for a while. Response to client: Semyon, I recommend that you undergo physical therapy and try breathing exercises. It is not easy to immediately determine what is happening to you and the reasons. To do this, you can contact the right specialist and work with him. By studying the client's history and listening to his answers, the psychologist can build hypotheses. If you are a novice psychologist, then you will not always immediately understand what kind of client is in front of you and the cause of his illness. The symptoms may resemble those of an autistic person or someone with paranoid personality disorder, which is characterized by a pervasive pattern of unreasonable mistrust and suspicion of others. However, this is not a fact. It is not always possible to make a diagnosis with 100% accuracy. The client does not just faint from the touch and presence of girls nearby. He begins to have an epileptic seizure. He can't breathe and is shaking. What is this? Complexes, shyness? What is the cause of lightheadedness? Fear of his aunt since childhood and fear that he would be punished for disobedience? Negative associations and comparing all women to one enemy? This can lead every specialist astray. In fact, a person has a manifestation of hypersexual interaction disorder and needs not only a sexologist, but also a good psychotherapist. So, we study the reasons for this client’s condition. What can you understand? What are the characteristics of behavior in people with compulsive sexual behavior disorder? Abnormalities of the sexual instinct - four classes: anesthesia of the sexual instinct through physiological weakening (childhood, old age); hyperesthesia (nymphomania, satyriasis) of the sexual instinct associated with brain phenomena caused by degenerative diseases of the brain; the paradox of the sexual instinct when it manifests itself outside the normal physiological periods of adult life; parestia of the sexual instinct, when it manifests itself outside the natural purpose of reproduction of the species; For Freud (1905), the act of looking at the naked body of another being is something that comes from our libido, which precedes the desire to touch the sexual parts of another. Paraphilic disorders. For example, wearing clothes of the opposite sex, spying on other people. Such behavior