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From the author: In order to talk about the process of implementing the COBRA system at your enterprise, you first need to determine what it is and what you need Is this for you? K.O.B.R.A. In this article I will try to briefly outline the concept, principles and scheme for its implementation. So, COBRA is a simple and disciplined system for managing the activities of an enterprise, which allows you to build the functional and cross-functional efficiency of the organization. The very name “COBRA” fuels interest in this system. So, the abbreviation K.O.B.R.A. is the capital letters of the five principles on which the system is built. In one of the variants it means - Collapse of Organizational Barriers Development of Development Alternatives. COBRA is a simple system because it includes only five tools, and the process of its implementation is quite complex. Implementation The process of implementing the COBRA system in a company can be divided into two parts. The first is the collapse of organizational barriers. The second is the development of development alternatives. And so, in order to build something new, you first need to destroy something old; indeed, the initial actions are aimed specifically at destroying organizational barriers. Practice has shown that this is not so simple. It is difficult to change a person’s psychology and his attitude towards work, especially if he is a very experienced employee. Often, the Owner decides to implement the system on his own, having “read” materials from the Internet or turning to incompetent specialists. And when the first stage has already been passed, the collapse of organizational barriers, expressed in the destruction of the old system of key indicators, the interaction of structural units and the consciousness of people, the owner, having doubts about the final result, interrupts the process. Of course, you can take something useful from the system selectively, in pieces and it won’t be worse, but the result will be appropriate. That's why something can tell that the system is not functional or effective. In fact, COBRA allows you to create an organizational culture that helps the company achieve the desired results. It is important to understand that in the COBRA system the strategy is transferred to all levels of the organization, from the Director to ordinary employees. The COBRA management system is a system that allows the company to quickly and painlessly adapt to changes in the market. For example, inflation, changes in consumer demand, the activities of competitors, etc. Enables each link of the business process to work as quickly and efficiently as possible. Until now, only a few companies, such as Coca Cola, have had the opportunity to implement and use the COBRA system. And the result, as they say, is “IN YOUR FACE.” Coca Cola is the most successful and stable company in the FMCG market. But there is nothing secret that would not become obvious, and today almost any company, regardless of size or status, can implement and use this simple management system, the COBRA system. You may ask, will COBRA work effectively after its implementation at your enterprise? What is the reason for doubt? A bicycle, no matter whether it is small or large, sports or road, will “take you” to where you want, in any case. But how quickly, with falls or “smoothly”, depends on you, on your dedication to the idea, faith in the result and perseverance in achieving the goal, like, in principle, everything else in your business. Levels of Management Most of the problems of an organization have two main places of their occurrence, this is either at the border between levels of management, or at the junction between divisions of the company. To change the situation between management levels, COBRA helps to build functional efficiency using 5 tools: - coordination of strategies (each link must understand what part of the overall company strategy it is implementing); - coordination of key indicators; - monitoring system; - coaching; - achievement assessment