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Beliefs. Today I woke up at 6 am from the memory of mushrooms. A text was born that demonstrates, through personal example, the process of forming a belief and how belief shapes reality. Family Conviction I grew up where there were a lot of mushrooms. Taiga, kilometers... Grandmother and mother salted them, marinated them, cooked soups and, of course, fried potatoes with mushrooms. At the same time, they treated the process very responsibly: the mushrooms were boiled twice, and only then were used. Why? Yes, because mushrooms are VERY DANGEROUS. You can get poisoned by mushrooms. I didn’t eat mushrooms, apparently so as not to get poisoned. Attention: danger Mushrooms should never be eaten at a party, because it is UNKNOWN how they were prepared, suddenly not as carefully as at home, which means you can get poisoned by them. a relative not frightened by the poison of mushrooms, who prepared mushrooms more simply, shortening the cycle to wash and fry. This caused horror and the above comments. As time passed, the attitude inside me long ago became stronger and went unconscious. And then one day we were visiting in a neighboring town, where mushrooms were served, and I was persuaded to try it. I can imagine what level of alarm my unconscious set in at that moment, because all the way home I tried my best not to get poisoned. Consequence and conclusion I was poisoned. Blamed the mushrooms. Well, this is understandable, they are to blame - poisons, spores, 100% incorrect preparation. I firmly decided that I would never eat them again. The signal can be replaced. And then I read a book, something simple, from the series on psychology for a wide range of readers (I was then studying at the Pedagogical Lyceum, where they taught psychology). And it was written there that belief gives a signal to the body. The signal can be alarming or approving. For example, if you consider mushrooms to be poisonous, then if the mushrooms are ingested, the body will reject them. The product itself may be absolutely suitable for consumption, but without passing through the internal “belief filters”, it will not be accepted or digested. And I decided to try to go against the family foundations regarding mushrooms. Then I did not know the techniques and methods for changing beliefs, but somehow I was able to change my attitude towards mushrooms, removing the equality of mushrooms and poison. And I remember carefully but confidently going to eat a pickled mushroom. Accepted. Survived. I broke the installation and believed, as they say, in the power of thought. I also became interested in psychology - the example was too impressionable for my fragile brain.