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HOW TO REMOVE BLACK GLASSES. Stop grumbling and complaining about life. If this is your habit, it means you see life in black terms. When negative emotions wash over you again, write down on a piece of paper those phenomena in your life that you would like to get rid of. Then, using colored pencils or crayons, draw on the same sheet an image of what you would like to get rid of (this should not be a person). Draw any figure or outline, the first association that comes to your mind. At the end of the work, say out loud “I am getting rid of the negativity associated with this and that in my life.” Tear the sheet into small pieces and throw it in the trash. Take the trash out of the house. Do not swear or use swear words. Swearing contains negative energy. It tends to come back like a boomerang and harm the one who released it. Learn to get rid of anger. If you are filled with anger, release it by doing physical exercises. This could be a gym session, jogging or swimming. Water perfectly removes negative emotions and washes away all troubles. The main condition: the stronger your anger, the more intense the physical activity should be. In order to stop being angry with people, you need to learn to understand them. More on this a little later. Learn to relax. Stress and anxiety tend to be deposited in the body in the form of muscle blocks (clamps). This often has a noticeable effect on posture. A person may begin to slouch, hunch back, pull his head into his shoulders, etc. By working on our body, we can not only correct our posture, but also change our worldview. First you need to learn to relax. Some people do not relax even in their sleep, they are so overstressed. Because of this, they cannot rest well. Muscle blocks are removed using relaxation techniques. If you practice them every day, you can not only learn to completely relax, but also manage your emotions and mood. You can easily tune in to a positive attitude towards events and towards the people around you. WHERE TO GET PINK GLASSES. Do good deeds. Good contains positive energy. Just like the negative one, it tends to come back. Therefore, doing good deeds is always beneficial. Don't forget about this. Before going to bed, recall the past day in your memory. Remember your good deeds. Praise yourself for this. Give gifts. It is not necessary to give gifts for some reason. You can do this for no reason. Such a gift will be received with great gratitude. You, too, will feel an extraordinary surge of positive energy from this. Learn to understand and accept people. The ability to understand people greatly helps in developing tolerance. So many people, so many characters. Due to the difference in characters, conflicts often occur that could easily be avoided. People often do bad things not because they are bad, but because they do not understand the meaning of what they do. They often suffer from this. Look for the positive sides in everything. Everything in the world has a dark side and a light side. If you see only the light, you can make many mistakes. If you see only the dark, you will never come out of the darkness. It is often easier for us to see the dark side. Therefore, we don’t even suspect about the light one. However, you can learn useful experience from failure, parting always leads to a new meeting, even a long-term illness is an opportunity to be alone with yourself and rethink life values. To acquire the skills of an optimistic outlook on life, do this exercise at least once a week: write down on a piece of paper the negative events that happened to you during the week. For each of them, find a positive effect, or better yet several (the more, the better). You will see, life will take on new colors for you, and a positive mood will replace melancholy and despondency. I wish you success! Source: Height