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From the author: published on the website “Tell me how you live, and I will tell you who you are,” this is the well-known saying in a slightly modified form. Life style and personality type are inextricably linked, with one determining the other and vice versa. The existence of the very concept of “lifestyle” is beyond doubt. Of course, on the one hand, each life is unique and inimitable, and on the other hand, we can talk about entire groups of people living in a similar way, which proves the existence of this phenomenon. Here is what the famous psychologist and creator of his own psychoanalytic concept Alfred Adler says about it: “Lifestyle includes includes a unique combination of traits, modes of behavior and habits, which together determine the unique picture of human existence.” The scientist also believed that a sustainable lifestyle is formed in a person by the age of five. Later in adult life, it is possible to find new ways to express this style, but, by and large, life priorities and perception of life itself will depend on it. [/url]Typology of life stylesPsychologist Adler offers his own typology of life options. It is based on two parameters. The first is the degree of interest in people, the desire to contact and cooperate with them. The second is the degree of activity, that is, the amount of energy with which a person overcomes life’s difficulties. Based on these parameters, he identifies the following lifestyles: Taking This style is preferred by parasitic people. They are passive and strive to live at the expense of others. Their basic need is to take as much as possible from others without giving anything in return. It would seem that such people are simply dangerous to society. However, due to their passivity, they do not cause the damage to others that they could. Manager This way of life is characteristic of selfish people, whose activity is not aimed at benefiting society and others, but at satisfying only their own needs. They are self-confident and persistent. They consider themselves better than others, and when faced with life's difficulties, they often choose criminal paths to overcome them. Avoidant A lifestyle in which a person tries to avoid the slightest difficulties and completely surrenders to the will of the waves. One could talk about people having this type of interest in others. However, this interest is completely invisible due to their passivity. They do nothing to solve their problems because they fear failure and run away from everything that could harm them in any way. Socially useful Only a mature person can lead such a lifestyle. It embodies activity aimed at socially useful goals. This person is able to sincerely and openly communicate with and care about other people. Accordingly, only he, when building relationships - both work and personal - takes into account the interests of the other and strives to achieve mutual benefit. Another, no less famous psychologist, Vladimir Druzhinin, describes life styles somewhat differently. Its typology is more diverse and applicable for use in everyday life. Life as creativity For a “creative” person, the past is inaccessible, the future is unclear, there is only the present, which has no meaning compared to eternity. Therefore, he does not notice anything and is indifferent to everything. For such a person, his own life takes on certain abstract forms, depreciates and loses all meaning. Life as an achievement This lifestyle is led by self-actualizing people who prefer action to inaction. They are also called business people or self-made men. The most important thing is the result. When such a person achieves his goal, it depreciates and a new goal is set. He believes in the superiority of his abilities over the abilities of other people. Such a person lives exclusively in the future. He is absorbed in his activities and does not notice anything else. Life is like a dream If the burden of troubles, problems and worries is too heavy for a person, he returns to the serenity of his childhood. He prefers to seedreams, and not act because he does not have enough strength. Life for a person becomes a world of dreams, which are much richer, more interesting and brighter than real life. Very often, people who prefer this lifestyle fall into addiction. Life by the rules A lifestyle in which a person does everything correctly. His life is subject to regulations and filled with various rituals, which greatly simplifies it for them. However, such people can also fall into addiction, whose name is perfectionism. In this case, a person is not responsible for changes in his life - he does not have his own opinion and is freed from the problem of choice in advance. Life as a waste of time People who choose this style are distinguished by complete freedom in everything related to external behavior: tests, games, entertainment and consumption. As a rule, this option is chosen due to boredom and the inability to find one’s place in life. A person leading such a lifestyle is not interested in either the past or the future. Time for him is the endless present. Life against life These people are distinguished by a poor inner world. As a rule, such a lifestyle is a consequence of deep psychological trauma. A person carries this sad past into the future. He sees hostility in everything and takes revenge on the whole world. For him, the only way to get rid of the trauma is to destroy the world, and this is what his whole life is like. [/url]Create your own picture of life All of the listed typologies of life have one significant drawback - they represent a framework into which someone’s lifestyle must be fit in order to call it a style. Of course, these frameworks help us understand the world by simplifying it. But how unpleasant it can be when simplification concerns your individuality! Therefore, even having guessed the type of their lifestyle described by psychologists, many do not want to put up with the formulations. It is quite clear that by changing their attitude towards life, a person is able to change life itself. And if you suddenly think about the usefulness of your chosen lifestyle, try to follow a number of recommendations. Life's work Find your life's work. It is no coincidence that they say about many talented people and their profession: “It was his calling.” Try and find your calling - a business that will bring you not only income, but also positive emotions from self-realization and achieving more and more new goals. A loved one can change, friends can leave, and only what you love will always be true to you. Communication skills Remember that a person is a social animal, so establish contact with the people around you. A reclusive lifestyle has never brought happiness to anyone. Therefore, reach out to people you like, enjoy communication and try to create something new and positive with them. At the same time, even with those closest to you, you should not forget about the right to personal space, which can be designated by appropriate boundaries. Dream Come up with a dream for yourself (or better yet, more than one). Dreams charge our lives with energy, support us during difficult periods and bring incomparable satisfaction when they are fulfilled. Many people who have lived their lives happily say: “I fulfilled my dream.” Follow their example. Feeling reality Periodically freeze and pay attention to life. Don't think about the future and don't dwell in the past. This is your life. She is here and now and nowhere else. Try to be in touch with what is happening to you in the present. That is why it is important to surround yourself with beauty here and now, and not put it off until tomorrow. Don't waste time on self-destruction and self-emptying. Alcohol, drugs, and other bad habits are all an illusion of happiness. For some, such dreams become a typical way of life, and this is sad, because behind them he does not see the real, authentic world. Novelty of sensations Constantly try to try something new. Very often people are afraid of any undertaking, because it involves a constant risk: “What if you don’t like it?” But those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne. Doesn't have to be all the time.