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In short, it is easy to distinguish a psychologist from a parapsychologist: A psychologist does not have the delusions of grandeur that a parapsychologist has. (Store in the center of Rostov-on-Don) The psychologist sits quietly and WORKS: observes, listens, diagnoses, analyzes, compares, forms a preliminary psychological hypothesis, offers psychological techniques, methods and exercises, collects “feedback”, confirms or corrects initial hypothesis, informs, motivates, gives homework, accompanies, etc. etc. The psychologist does NOT use in his professional vocabulary such concepts as “biofield”, “bioenergy”, “aura”, “past lives”, “horoscope”, “paranormal”, etc., DOES NOT use parapsychological methods and technician (working with the biofield, spells, shamanic rituals, drawing up a natal chart, etc.) He does NOT believe that he has SUPER senses, CLAIRVIEW, SUPER Abilities and modestly uses the capabilities of his intellect and the knowledge and skills acquired in the process of studying with psychologists. He doesn't heal, he doesn't heal. A psychologist diagnoses, advises, educates and applies methods of psychocorrection. A psychologist has a professional worldview, in which the main place is given to scientific ideas about the world and man. Also, the knowledge and skills of a psychologist have a SCIENTIFIC basis. The psychologist has a higher psychological education from an accredited university, uses techniques and methods tested by science, he had and still has specific teachers who have confirmed their qualifications with candidate and doctoral dissertations and also have a scientific worldview. A psychologist clearly understands “his place”: his professional knowledge and skills are just a small part of the endless knowledge about man and the world. Therefore, the psychologist calmly accepts his limitations as a specialist, constantly studies, sometimes refuses “not his” clients, charges a moderate fee for services and is in no hurry to promise anything. The psychologist knows that it is important to give the client responsibility for his own life and works to ensure that the client does not idealize him, does not consider him a guru and the ultimate truth, i.e., to timely “disconnect” the client from himself. calmly accepts the client's decision to stop working, criticism and distancing. The psychologist remembers that he is just a human being. With his human difficulties and “troubles.” Out of professional honesty and humanity towards the client, he regularly visits his psychologist and “works through” his difficulties with him, so as not to take them out on innocent clients and to be “clean” when working with them. What about a parapsychologist? A parapsychologist has a non-scientific, paranormal (mystical, magical, esoteric, parapsychological, occult...) idea of ​​\u200b\u200bman and the world and, accordingly, uses unscientific techniques and methods in his work, not confirmed by experimental psychology and medicine. The parapsychologist calls himself different terms - from healer to astropsychologist, etc., often considers himself the owner of some unique knowledge, gift, superpowers; his teachers have a non-scientific worldview, and their competencies are confirmed by a certain “initiation” (the transfer of knowledge from teacher to student through an initiation rite). A parapsychologist may believe that only he can help the client and be offended if the client does not share his views (for example, regarding the presence he has “damage”) and goes to a doctor for help, for example. Parapsychologists are very brave, unlike classical, ordinary psychologists. They are not afraid to use techniques in their work that cause pronounced altered states of consciousness in the client, induce a trance, use hypnosis, make suggestions, etc. They are not embarrassed by the possible psychosis of an unstable client and/or long-term negative consequences for his psyche. They also very decisively “appoint someone responsible for the situation”, claiming who exactly “jinxed”, “caused damage”, “cursed” and “bewitched” (that, now, the client will hate this person and/or will strongly.