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How to open the gates to financial well-being... Every person wants to achieve prosperity and well-being in this life, and money plays an important role here. Basically, people associate their well-being with the presence or absence of money, which is why, friends, I decided to talk to you about money, or rather about the mechanisms for attracting cash flow. It so happens that many of us have signs of “poverty thinking”, negative installations that block the appearance of money. As a rule, we live guided by the beliefs and principles of our parents or even more distant ancestors. In ancient times, it was believed that money was sent by the devil, therefore it was “dirty”, “unclean”. This attitude gives rise to hatred and contempt not only “for the despicable jingling of coins,” but also for those who have them. Vivid evidence of this belief is Russian folk tales, where wealth is associated with greed, selfishness, commercialism, and poverty with openness, kindness, and decency. Later, during the Soviet era, such an attitude towards money was specially supported among our people, so that people would be content with little. Therefore, most of those who were brought up at that time subconsciously experience contempt (or a careless attitude) towards money and aggression towards those who are richer than them, especially businessmen and officials. Naturally, such aggression leads them to financial failures. And then they passed on to us, so to speak, “inherited” such an attitude towards money and those who have it, through the psychology of poverty. And as a result, the attitude: “I can’t afford it” is ingrained in the brains of the majority of our fellow citizens. And in the sphere of thinking, the principle “like attracts like” works: if you are convinced that you are unworthy of wealth and prosperity, then so be it. And you will never be able to afford the quality of life that you could provide for yourself in accordance with your needs. After all, the psychology of poverty is a psychology of survival, aimed at surviving rather than enjoying life. A person with the psychology of poverty does not feel worthy of being rich and happy. However, in order to increase income, and even more so, to get rich, it is advisable to at least respect the money itself and those who have it. Therefore, I suggest you check yourself for signs of “ poverty thinking”, answering honestly the following questions: 1. Are you embarrassed to ask about payment when applying for a job?2. What do you feel when you see well-dressed people, expensive cars, luxurious restaurants?3. Do you skimp on tips in restaurants and hotels?4. If your debts are not repaid, do you forgive your debtors or constantly shower them with curses? Money obeys the laws of the energy world, the laws of the Universe. When they are given the most important importance in life, they become fixated on money and become an idol. And then one of God’s commandments “thou shalt not make thyself an idol” is violated. And as a result, focusing on money can destroy money energy. Because of this, many companies burned down. This causes a sharp decrease or cessation of income, monetary losses, even loss of health and life. Not everyone manages to pass the test of money, and the “Gold Rush,” as we know, ruined not a single soul. What do we still need to do in order to increase monetary energy and attract money into our lives? First, we need to start by changing your negative attitudes that block the appearance of money. Therefore, according to cognitive psychologists, every time you catch yourself with a negative thought, try to immediately replace it with a positive one. In addition, never talk badly about yourself - neither jokingly nor seriously. Rejoice in the beauty and wealth around you as if it were all already yours. Cultivate in yourself states of happiness, abundance, wealth and success, regardless of whether all this is with us now. And then, the attitude: “How can I afford this?” will work as an incentive for yourdevelopment. If you succeeded, this means, first of all, that you sincerely, devotedly and tenderly love or have fallen in love with yourself. After all, the cash flow opens only to those people who follow themselves, and then such a person falls into the flow, which sets in motion a career, achievements, and money, and everything seems to work out by itself. To study the phenomenon of money and its interaction with human, we decided to do an experiment, or rather a diagnostic test. Using the arrangement method, we placed the “person” and the Deputy of his money in the “field”, and then invited the “owner of the money” to do something with his money. When he wanted to spend it, the Money Substitute, shrinking, visually decreasing in size, said: “I feel offended at him at the thought of being squandered. There is a feeling that they want to “throw me into the wind”, and in fact, destroy me. I really want to get away from him.” Then the “owner” was asked to imagine that he wanted to invest his money in something. “Money” responded to this message as follows: “The feeling immediately changed from minus to plus. It was as if I was hugged and warmed. The word “invest” sounded like “take care” to me. I feel much bigger. I wanted to approach my master.” From here we drew the following conclusion: Money feels how we feel about it. And they want to receive our love and respect. And money goes only to those who love and respect them, while those who despise them or are indifferent to them have no money. To attract cash flow, you need not to spend money (and the word “spend” is the same root as the words “loss”, “loss”), but to invest it in order to increase your wealth. Even if you buy, for example, apples, when you give money, think that you are investing it in your health. After all, every time you give money, you invest it in staying, for example, in good health, getting somewhere quickly to enjoy life, etc. In addition, if a person invests money in his own development, then he will always be wealthy. And if he only spends money, then it will “leave” him, attracting situations of financial instability and poverty. You probably noticed when you were abroad that in some countries there are entire streets consisting of nothing but, for example, jewelry stores or fruit stalls. It would seem that there is enormous competition, but... the paradox is that energetically money is attracted to places where people are united by one goal, one “crystalline lattice” of desires. Therefore, feel free to join the efforts of your loved ones and friends on the path to your chosen one. Offer your services to others and accept offers with pleasure. Then you will begin not just to go to work, but to enjoy work, life in general, glowing with love. But sometimes the efforts of awareness are not enough. It seems that you already know exactly why you need money, what you will spend it on tomorrow, what pleasure it will bring you. And the work with beliefs has been done... But it happens that money “does not go to a person” even if at the level of logic everything is done correctly. This happens because you consciously want one thing, but because of unconscious attitudes or generic programs, you get something completely different! Goals are defined, plans are made. But no. It’s as if someone is deliberately limiting, preventing, or not allowing. But who? Let's try to look at this using B. Hellinger's arrangement method. According to his theory, a person is always considered as a part of something whole, in particular, as an element of a family system of some kind. Therefore, if a person has a “personal problem” that prevents financial prosperity, most likely it relates to his ancestral system, having roots within it. Oleg, 32 years old, made a request regarding the feeling of a constant lack of money... “It’s like it’s slipping through your fingers ...,” the client said in an empty voice. In his words, he works a lot, but “it all seems to be in vain.” As a result, despair, powerlessness, horror, “hands completely given up” and!