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From the author: Five techniques for transforming negative feelings. This unpleasant feeling of annoyance and irritation, called envy, is familiar to every person, even a child. The desire to possess what you want, but another has, applies to both material and intangible goods. The first ones (a car, an apartment, shoes, clothes, a toy, a telephone, etc.) require money. The second category is more complicated: love, luck, success, respect, well-being, career are sometimes achieved through considerable effort. Envying relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and sometimes strangers, a person withdraws from reality and ceases to adequately assess his capabilities and abilities. Like any negative emotion, envy has a destructive effect on the psyche. On the other hand, it can become an impetus for self-development if, after getting rid of it, you direct energy in the right direction. First of all, you need to admit: I envy - and take five steps towards yourself. Step 1. Find your calling. Own knowledge and skills, a favorite activity, and a sought-after profession provide balance in difficult periods. Finding something you like, developing in the chosen way, and being in your place is very important. Focusing on yourself helps you free yourself from painful feelings. Competition should be healthy, and comparisons should only be made with yourself: past and present achievements. Step 2. Determine your social circle. Among those around you there are often clearly envious people. They are actively interested in other people's problems, experiencing satisfaction from the fact that someone is feeling bad. Conversely, joyful events in the life of another person plunge them into despondency and even cause anger. It is advisable to limit communication with envious people, avoid gossip, and change the dangerous topic of conversation. It’s worth letting people into your personal space who are interesting, who think positively, who discuss ideas and plans. Step 3. Understand yourself. It is useful to retire and analyze your condition, to understand what is wrong. Psychologists recommend writing down strengths and weaknesses so that on the path to self-realization you know what to fight and what to rely on. Most likely, it will turn out that there is something to value and protect. Step 4. Act. It is necessary to set specific goals for yourself and achieve your goals step by step. If the purchase is really necessary, establish the source of its financing (loan, gift, savings) and the period (after salary, in a month, a year). If the goal is not related to wealth, move forward, systematically creating the image of a happy, self-sufficient person. The main thing is to calm down and work for results. Step 5. Be happy for others. Feeling joy for people is as pleasant as giving gifts. Smile, shake hands, praise, show kindness - and recharge yourself positively. At first, you may have to pretend, but gradually the emotion will become familiar and sincere. You can learn not to envy by building your own line of behavior and tabooing the unacceptable. Working on yourself is not easy, but it is effective if you have the desire to change..