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Video version of the article: Hello, Artyom Kalinkin here. I decided that it was important to write this article for you, because, as I see it, unfortunately, now many people are experiencing some kind of not entirely calm state. And this not entirely calm state is not associated with something objective and real, but rather with some fantasies that are fueled by other fantasies, thoughts, and so on. Of course, I’m not saying that you need to pretend that nothing is happening at all and start kissing and hugging strangers on the street. But in this article I want to give you exercises that will allow you to remain in an adequate calm state. Yes, of course, on the one hand you need to be careful. I'm sure you yourself know what needs to be done. For example, wash your hands and don’t go anywhere again. Calmly take all precautions, be careful, but nothing more. And in order to stay in this state, now I will give you one very effective exercise. Despite the fact that this is not all I want to give you. There will be more articles in which I will give you useful advice. The exercise is as follows. First you will need to sit down, or better yet lie down, somehow more comfortably, close your eyes, and concentrate on your bodily sensations. Just watch your body for a while. Moreover, if you notice some emotions like fear, sadness, maybe anger and other emotions, it is important to just notice this and not concentrate on them now. The purpose of this exercise is to concentrate specifically on bodily tension, on the physical sensations of tension in the body. And just for now he is in this calm state with his eyes closed. When you even just discovered your body and, after scanning, noticed all the tensions, at that moment you will feel calmer. But this is just the beginning. Next, you will need to start “breathing” these tense areas. I don’t know if there is such a word, but the point is that you need to inhale air in the usual way, preferably through your nose. But exhaling is not the same as usual. You need to exhale through the tense area. That is, first you need to select the most noticeable tense part in the body. For example, in the chest, neck, back, maybe in the shoulders. And exhale warm air into the selected part. How to virtually breathe through this tense place, as if you are making a hole in it. How exactly to breathe? Imagine that you have taken a snowball. If you blow sharply on it, it is unlikely that this lump will begin to melt. This will happen very slowly. So you need to blow on it slowly, and accordingly then it will be warm air. The snow will begin to melt gradually. And we need to start doing the same with this tense area of ​​the body - the lump. We inhale through the nose, and a slow warm exhalation comes as if this is tension. You will immediately notice how pieces of tension begin to melt right before your eyes, like real snow. Of course, if you are currently in difficult or turbulent circumstances, thoughts may still begin to interfere with your meditative process. You can directly notice how you just seemed to be breathing through this tense area, and suddenly became busy with some thoughts and fantasies. That is, you are no longer here in the present moment, but somewhere out there. And at this moment it is important to just calmly notice this and remember that your task - for 15 - 20 - 30 minutes - is to do exactly what you breathe with a thin warm stream of air and slowly melt these tense areas. But there is just one point. You, and especially if you are still a beginner, will not be able to do this for all 15 or 30 minutes without a break. In the sense that thoughts will still arise. Or maybe emotions will interfere with this process. But it's not scary. This is exactly what the process will be. You will simply regularly notice that you are not here and now (gone into thoughts, fantasies, emotions), and yet return to what you are