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In the last 2-3 decades, the level of drug addiction has only increased. The number of addicts is increasing and this cannot but frighten. According to the Federal Drug Control Service, in our country alone there are at least 6 million drug addicts. Moreover, the majority of drug addicts are people aged 16-35 years. When talking about drug addiction, you need to understand what it is. Drug addiction is a pathological craving for the use of psychoactive substances. There are many ways to deliver drugs into the body: through injections, they are drunk or eaten, they are inhaled, etc. When the question arises about methods of treating drug addiction, we can assume that you yourself or your loved ones are faced with drug use. In fact, addicts themselves rarely see their use as a problem. At the same time, the life of not only the drug addict himself, but also his loved ones, is destroyed. Relatives of the addict sound the alarm and begin to make attempts to cure drug addiction. Alas, not everyone succeeds in this. Why? There are no secrets. There are 6 stages of a person’s readiness to recover from addiction. Success is influenced by what stage the addict is at the time of treatment. The problem is that not at every stage a person will be ready to undergo treatment, and if he is forced, the desired result may not occur. To understand at what point help and treatment will be effective, it is worth understanding what these stages are: 1. Pre-awareness: A person uses a drug and does not understand how dangerous or harmful it is. He enjoys it and refuses to even think about quitting. He responds to all his relatives’ persuasion to stop using and undergo treatment with categorical refusal and aggression. The person believes that he is not a drug addict, there is no problem with drug use and everything is fine in his life.2. Awareness. Here a person begins to think that consumption brings, in addition to pleasure, some problems. He understands that his hobby can cause harm. However, at this stage there are no tangible negative consequences yet, as well as thoughts about quitting drugs and getting treatment.3. Reflection: Now a person understands that drugs have significant disadvantages. He realizes that it’s time to end this story. However, the matter does not move beyond reflection, and he continues to use.4. Preparation: Here the addict is actively looking for a way to quit drugs. He is looking for a clinic, specialists, a program, and even sets limits for himself. For example, the specific date when he is hospitalized for treatment. At the same time, from words, the addict already gets down to business: he calls up specialists at the rehabilitation center, buys drugs for detox, reduces the dose as much as possible, etc.5. Action: The person is now ready to be treated. Without persuasion or coercion, he goes to the clinic and undergoes treatment, after which he is actively involved in the rehabilitation course. He does this consciously and voluntarily. He goes to specialists himself and does everything they say. The addict is sincerely interested in achieving the result.6. Consolidation of the result. Here a person works to consolidate the successes achieved and maintain the results of treatment. When it comes to how to cure a drug addict, it is worth starting with the question of his readiness for such changes. The addict must reach the desired stage before moving on to effective treatment. Drug addiction develops in such a way that no one except the addict himself knows about the use. Everything goes unnoticed. Unfortunately, relatives pay attention to changes when the addiction is already at a later stage, when appearance, health and other signs can no longer be ignored. It is worth knowing how to recognize drug use at an earlier stage. So, drug addiction can be identified by the following signs: problems with the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system begin; the person is pale, speech is slurred; attacks of fever; tremors of the limbs; rashes and pimples (according to the whole body); pupils are dilated or constricted, but do not react to light; eyelids!