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From the author: There are no and should not be completely fearless people. After all, fear carries a rather noble mission - it protects us from something specific. But it also happens that due to some kind of fear, the quality of our life decreases. In this article you will find 4 ways to overcome your fear. Two famous psychologists and psychotherapists Z. Freud and G. Kaplan, who also study human fears, agreed on dividing fears into two groups. The first contains fears that are called upon save a person’s life, and in the second, those that are a sign of some kind of violation and prevent a person from living a full life.Z. Freud divided fears into real and neurotic. G. Kaplan - into constructive and pathological. Almost any of the fears can become a neurotic pathology or, in moderate real quantities, help to survive in a difficult situation and become constructive. Yes, and you and I need to admit that we are all afraid of something. There are no completely fearless people and there shouldn’t be. After all, fear carries a rather noble mission - it protects us from something specific. But it happens that we do not realize and do not notice our fears. Something spoils our mood and quality of life, we don’t understand what’s wrong. I had a client, a young guy who wasn’t having a good job; he lived and lived, but didn’t even try to get a good job. He had at least two options. The first is to close his eyes to the sluggish life, find some explanation for himself why he has no money and an uninteresting, low-profit job, and after a while fall into a depressive state. And the second option. Admit that he is afraid, in this case, it was the fear of self-presentation, the fear of being interviewed. Live this fear of yours and move on in life. So, how to overcome your fear: Take a piece of paper and write down your fears. Take an honest look inside yourself and admit your fears. It happens that even such a simple acquaintance with fear is enough for the fear to go away. Describe the fear, what it is, what features it has, when it manifests itself, intensifies. Then, there are different options: - you can draw the fear (it helps a lot and not only for children) . It’s better to draw colored fear; - you can mold it; - you can dance it; - you can act it out. This is a rather strong technique, I would not recommend doing it yourself, it is better under the supervision of a specialist. For example, one of my clients was afraid that she would go crazy. After some preparation, when she felt safe around me, I invited her to imagine herself as a mentally ill person who is in a psychiatric clinic. And live for 5 minutes as if she had gone crazy. Sometimes this is enough. You looked your fear in the eyes and saw that what you are afraid of is not so scary. If this is not enough, then move on to the next point. 3. Analysis of fear. Every fear has its own story, its own roots. This client, who was afraid of self-presentation, experienced a very stressful, shameful situation for him at school. During a performance on March 8, he was dancing on stage and caught his costume on the set. The costume was left on the set, and the client was in his underpants in front of the whole school. It is important to understand and realize the roots of your fear, because fear may no longer be relevant. You are already adults and the opinion of your classmates about you is no longer so important, and the panties were cool. Perhaps now you already have ways to cope with this situation and the fear will recede. It also happens that the fear is not actually ours, but instilled in us by a grandmother or aunt, for example. Another client of mine was afraid of elevators and always took the stairs. When analyzing her fear, it turned out that she was afraid not just of the elevator, but that someone would run into her elevator. We began to dig deeper and it turned out that since childhood, her mother told her every morning, walking her to school: “And remember, daughter, don’t go into the elevator with other people’s uncles, they can rape you or offend you in some other way.” It turned out that a traumatic situation had happened.