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From the author: “If I do not pacify the enemy - my anger, then by pacifying external enemies, I will only increase them. Therefore, pacifying your mind with regiments of love and compassion is the practice of the Sons of the Victors.” Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche A woman and a man are different realities, so I considered writing simply about irritation a generalization. In this article I want to talk specifically about female irritation. You probably know without me that the main role of a woman’s nature is to love. After all, it is she who is assigned such an important task of bearing a fetus, raising and educating a child. Without a mother's love and care, a child will grow up incomplete. Through the love of the mother, the child accepts himself, the world, separation and growing up are easier for him. The woman’s irritation indicates that at this moment she is separated from the source of love. She does not like. How often do you meet irritated women these days! Irritation, like any other negative emotion, shows that you have a problem that needs to be solved. And the sooner you start solving it, the better. The modern woman is so accustomed to living in tension and negative emotions that she takes all this for granted. And, meanwhile, tension, anxiety and thoughts about the “terrible” are an indicator of the absence of a source of Love in her at the moment. A loving woman is peaceful, relaxed, and therefore the energy of Love flows through freely. So what should you do to get rid of irritation and other negative states? I will describe my vision, perhaps someone will disagree or complement. First, you need to be aware of the feelings, that you are currently experiencing. Awareness helps you stay in the “here and now” and control your feelings; Secondly, you need to understand that the basis of irritation (and this is anger) is either fear or guilt. Not a single negative emotion arises just like that, out of nowhere. She says that this is where a “hole” has formed and it is necessary to pay attention to it; Thirdly, therefore, it is necessary to work with fears and feelings of guilt so that they do not turn on automatically; Fourthly, after you have realized your irritation, you need to accept it within yourself. The mistake is that many begin to suppress it or follow its lead (express their attitude to the object of irritation or anger). There is an immutable law in the Universe: “The force of action is equal to the force of reaction.” Thus, the more you run away or indulge negative emotions, the more often they will arise, because all your attention is directed there; Fifthly, if you notice that you are starting to lose your temper, start breathing deeply. Breathing will saturate the brain with oxygen and help cope with irritation; Sixth, do what you enjoy and don’t force yourself. When a woman does what she loves (and especially creativity), her feminine essence is revealed in her and she, without any effort, comes into a state of harmony with herself and the world. Seventh, spend more time in the fresh air and move more - this also helps your health well-being. Eighth, a woman needs a little sweet during the daytime, because she lives by feelings and often has anxiety. Sweets help recharge your energy, which, in turn, will help cope with anxiety; Ninth, take time for yourself. You need to set aside at least half an hour or an hour for yourself every day to be alone, collect your thoughts, meditate. And, finally, love - this is our Nature! And know that anger, irritation, aggression are fraught for a woman. Not paying attention to your condition is harming your Soul. To work through irritation more effectively, you can sign up for a consultation or psychotherapy. I wish you Balance! Share on vk