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From the author: The article will be of interest to women who, at least once in their lives, have reproached themselves for being “no-thing.” -us-pe-va-yut." And for those who regularly reproach themselves for this, the article will not only be interesting, but also very useful. Surely many mothers are familiar with this feeling of “I don’t have time to do anything”, when the number of items on the list of tasks is incommensurate with the amount of time that is available to complete them . Well, to put it simply, it seems that all these tasks are simply impossible to complete. And there are so many tasks that it becomes completely unclear where to start, and having taken on one task, it is very difficult not to switch to another, no less important. And here it seems to me important to make a fair remark that this feeling is familiar not only to mothers, but also With immersion in motherhood, a woman encounters it most acutely. This is usually aggravated by successful examples from the lives of other people who somehow succeed in doing the same “all-all-all” that is written on your list. They also look good. And loved ones can also add fuel to the fire. And in this place you need a lot of strength and awareness so as not to fall into strong shame (there’s something wrong with me, since she has time and I don’t), or envy, or anger (mostly at myself) or another “bright” feeling that does not help to cope with the situation at all, but only helps to bury yourself even deeper into it. A lot of dissatisfaction with oneself appears, the amount of anger that circulates as a result of these processes in the family is off the charts, and this has a bad effect on the quality of relationships with loved ones. And when the level of dissatisfaction with the way your life works reaches its apogee, the word “disorganization” often appears on the scene. This word can be used as a saving label that explains the state of things and gives some indulgence to leave everything as it is (“oh, I’m so disorganized, I’ve always been like this, I can’t have it any other way”). Or you can use it to peck yourself in the crown (“that’s what you need, you’re a bad mother, a bad housewife, you’re some kind of abnormal, all normal people...” In general, there are a great many applications for this word, it would be a fantasy. Simultaneously with the word “ disorganization" the word "time management" often comes up. And a woman can read a lot of literature about how to manage her time wisely, and maybe even go to training on time management. After which she often returns to the word "disorganization" and concludes that There’s probably something really wrong with her, since it works for everyone else, but not for her. And again they ran in circles - “I can’t do anything - there’s something wrong with me, I’m ashamed - I don’t have it.” I don’t have enough time to do anything.” And behind all this running around, unfortunately, the real meaning of what is happening is lost. That the so-called “disorganization” is not a character trait or a consequence of poor upbringing. It is often a symptom of a lack of vitality. The ability to plan one’s activities qualitatively , rank tasks, determine priorities, analyze the availability of resources, distribute the load during work, etc. - this ability can be compared to the human skeleton. This is a certain framework on which the entire human structure rests. And the reality is that for some this framework is strong by nature, for others this framework was helped to grow by their parental family. And some are much less fortunate in this sense. Yes, yes, life is unfair, it happens. And if you are still reading this article and never cease to wonder how I know everything about you, then it is quite possible that this “someone” is you. And the answer to the question why all these magical time management systems and other flyladies - he lies right here. Because these systems really provide effective tools for self-organization. But these tools only help the frame function better. In other words, in order to run a marathon, you needgood health, not a nice sports T-shirt. And our heroines often try to run this marathon in a beautiful T-shirt, but do not notice their broken leg. And when they realize that for some reason the marathon is not running, then instead of putting on a cast and keeping the sore leg at rest for a while, they go to the gym to train. And they get even more upset. After all, you have to run a marathon - what kind of cast, what are you talking about, there is no time for that. The good news is that even if you are unlucky and the frame you got is so-so, flimsy - you can try to strengthen it. True, I’ll upset you a little more here. In order to strengthen the frame, you still have to put in some effort. Even if you don’t have the strength for it at all. It's like swinging a swing - even the smallest impulse in the right direction will gradually be strengthened by inertia. And gradually it will become easier and easier to cope. And now I will try to describe the very first measures that you can take if what is described in this article somehow resonates with your current life. These steps may seem too simple and frivolous, and you may even think that this has nothing to do with everything written above. In much the same way as the idea of ​​stopping, putting a cast on a broken leg and quitting the race when you urgently need to run a marathon seems ridiculous.1. And I'll probably start with the most difficult one. Even if it is difficult to perceive, just remember this thought and sometimes tell yourself about it. You are a living person. And you need your health first of all - in order to live and, pardon the tautology, experience life in its entirety. The fullness of life and the quality of experiences come first. You need to work in order to live. Not the other way around. Remember this sequence, it is important.2. Have you noticed that when you do what you want to do, you often either don’t get tired at all or feel a surge of energy? And when you do something very unpleasant, something that you don’t want to do, then even if it requires just a little physical effort, do you still feel very tired? Remember this and try to notice which activities give you strength and which ones take away your strength, and try to maintain this balance. Remember that you are not a soulless mechanism designed to perform certain functions. Stop at least sometimes to ask yourself - “how do I feel now”, “what do I want now”, “do I really need to do what I’m doing”, “is this really so important”, “what will happen if I don’t do it” ".3. Treat yourself with care. You are alone and no one can replace you. And even more so for your loved ones.4. Take your vacation seriously. A night's sleep is not enough. Try to allocate at least a little time - just for yourself, and try to spend this time for yourself with maximum pleasure (after all, pleasure is a powerful source of energy). If you lie in the bathroom, it’s not to wash yourself, but to soak in the warm water. If you read a book, then you should like this book. If you watch TV, then something interesting. If you chat on the phone, then with your beloved friend, on topics that interest you. If you eat, then make some tasty dish just for yourself. Listen to yourself and often ask yourself the question “what do I want right now”; looking for answers to this question is a very useful activity.5. Try to ask yourself more often, “What am I doing now - do I need to do it or do I want it?” Try to make “I need to go for a walk so I can continue to work” happen less often than “I want to go for a walk because the weather is so beautiful outside, and perhaps it’s time to take a short break.” I hope you feel the difference between these two walks? This difference is huge, although the action is the same. And, perhaps, I’ll stop at this for now. These are only the very first steps, the very first actions that can help strengthen your...