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Regular moments. Activities (individual and joint) and free games. Time for yourself, your loved one. If your child attends kindergarten, then on those days when the child is at home it is advisable to follow the kindergarten regime. Of course, it is not necessary to get up so early, you can do it for 2-3 hours, depending on who is more comfortable, get up later and go to bed later, but get up and go to bed at the same time. Do active games and activities in the first half of the day, and in the second half the day, especially after 7 pm, it is worth moving on to quieter activities: TV (computer, telephone) - in doses and always checking what the child is watching and playing, reading a book, drawing, modeling, quiet games, etc. Daytime sleep is desirable so that the child’s nervous system is not overloaded, and in the evening he is not overexcited. The child himself gets tired of the state of overexcitation, and as a result: he begins to be capricious, nervous, freak out, and we, adults, also catch a similar state. If the child does not sleep during the day, then you can invite him to just lie down and read a book to him. But time for daytime rest should be mandatory. Together with your child, you can draw, purely symbolically in the form of pictograms, a daily routine. This is necessary so that the child adheres to it, clearly understands what he is going for and what, and at the same time teaches the child organization and sequence of actions. If suddenly a child asks: when are we going for a walk? When will we eat? When will we be charging? etc., then we can always answer him: let’s look at our daily routine and find out, after which we will go for a walk, eat or do exercises. Activities and games can be varied throughout the day. Here you can focus on your child’s age, his interests and his development. This could be some kind of online classes, developmental books together with you, drawing, modeling, board games, in general, everything that you have in the house and how rich your child’s imagination is. Children love to invent various games, and are very happy when adults play these games with them. This makes them feel needed and loved. Joint family activities or games: for example, cooking together (we cook for dad or mom - the adult’s reaction is important here so that later the child doesn’t want to surprise the parent again), cleaning, watering flowers, board games. Don’t forget about communicating with relatives (grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc.) who live separately; you can always talk to them via video call. It’s good if you make a plan for the next day together with your child the night before or in the morning, distributing the order of certain activities. At the same time, you clearly establish and discuss with your child those aspects of the regime that must be performed at a clearly defined time (sleep, brushing teeth, washing hands, eating, evening shower, etc.). So, on the one hand, we give the child the right to choose and show that he himself is important to us and his choice is also important, and on the other hand, we set boundaries. So the child sees that there are certain rules that must be followed, and thereby learns to respect and comply with both his own rules and the rules of others. 3. And be sure to include time for yourself in this regime. Under no circumstances should you forget about yourself. If you do not restore your own strength, then you will not have energy for yourself first of all, nor for your husband, nor for your children. And he will do everything through force, reluctantly, without joy in life, etc. etc., and in general you are unlikely to want to do anything. And here you choose for yourself those things that fill you, give you strength and energy, and inspire you. It can be anything, be it a bath, shower, meditation, walk, reading a book, sleep. I recommend making a list for yourself on a piece of paper of the items that fill you up, and doing something for yourself from this list every day. Try to delegate some of your responsibilities to loved ones,.