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Cognitive distortions are a type of thinking error that distorts our perception of the world around us and affects our emotions and behavior. They can seriously poison our lives, leading to stress, anxiety and depression. In this article, we'll look at some of the most common cognitive biases and examples that demonstrate their impact on our mental well-being.1. Black and white thinking: This is a cognitive distortion in which we tend to see the world only in extreme categories - all or nothing, good or bad. For example, a person with this distortion may believe that failure in one situation means that they are a complete failure in all areas of life. This can cause feelings of helplessness and lead to despair.2. Selective Filtering: This is a cognitive bias in which we focus only on the negative aspects of a situation while ignoring the positive ones. For example, a person may exaggerate his failures without noticing his achievements. This can lead to low self-esteem and feelings of confusion.3. Negativity Bias: This is a cognitive bias in which we tend to believe that negative events have a longer and stronger impact than positive ones. For example, if we receive one negative comment, we may completely ignore dozens of positive reviews. This can increase feelings of vulnerability and create unnecessary stress.4. Mental filters: This is a cognitive distortion in which we distort information to fit our preconceived beliefs or expectations. For example, a person may think that someone is avoiding them because they dislike them, when in fact that person might be busy or have other commitments. This can create conflicts and negative emotions.5. Pessimistic Forecast: This is a cognitive bias in which we predict only negative outcomes of events, ignoring the possibility of positive outcomes. For example, a person may think that he will not pass a job interview without even trying to prepare for it. This can create feelings of helplessness and increase anxiety. These are just some examples of cognitive distortions that can plague our lives. However, by recognizing these biases and developing strategies to combat them, we can improve our mental well-being and quality of life. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the effective approaches to working with cognitive distortions and helps people develop more adaptive thinking and behavior. Sign up for a consultation / ask me a question: Telegram: +7 993 370-03-59 More articles in my Telegram channel Let's think?