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AUDIOUS PERCEPTION 1. “Deliver the letters.” (from 5 years old) Pictures of different houses are attached. Each house has a mailbox with a slot where letters are dropped. The presenter has multi-colored rectangles made of thick paper - “letters”. Task: deliver letters exactly to the addresses. The summoned child receives the task of where to take the letters. “The letter is expected in a house with a red roof, second floor and blue door.” The instructions are given once, without repetition. Children are warned about this in advance. You can accompany the actions with the words: “our postman walked quickly, he found the house right away,” “he’s been walking for a long time, he won’t find the house he needed,” “even though you walked for a long time, you handed over your letter,” “be careful, my friend, look again!” “The postman is completely tired, he didn’t get to the right house.” “Which of you, friends, will go and deliver these letters?” 2. "Lost Things." (from 5 years old) “A lost and found table has opened in the city. A person who has lost an item can contact the lost and found office, but he needs to be told exactly what item is lost, what it is called, what color, shape it is, etc. Today we opened a lost and found table: look at the things here.” All the signs of the object are fully described; I didn’t hear what was missing, but it’s round, red rubber (ball); children decide to find things that only partially coincide with the signs of existing things , whether there is such a thing or not; unimportant signs are named: “a warm and beautiful scarf was lost.” Is it possible to find a thing using such signs (the presenter helps to ask clarifying questions, then the thing is found based on the exact data).3. "The word got lost." (from 5 years old) The presenter pronounces rhymed and non-rhymed phrases that use words that are inappropriate in meaning. Children listen attentively and suggest the right word. On the floor, a spoon (cat) drinks milk from a bowl. In the clearing near an oak tree, my daughter collected pieces (mushrooms). Masha cooked deliciously. Where is our big meal? (porridge, spoon). It’s very frosty outside, you can freeze your tail, (nose). “Bake me an iron!” - the hook asks the grandmother, (pie. grandson) 4. “Be attentive to the words.” (from 5 years old) Chairs are placed in two rows with a small distance. Children sit in one row, they receive pictures of a house, a car, and other subject cards. The presenter reads or tells a story. If the text contains a word that denotes a picture, the child must stand up and quickly move to the chair opposite. The children who never miss “their” word win. 5. “Game in a circle” (similar to No. 4) (from 5 years old) If a word is pronounced that means an animal, children should sit down, if a plant, put their hands on their belts. 8. Sound perception games. (from 4 years old) Give an idea of ​​loud and quiet sounds, whispering, rustling, creaking, squeaking, ringing, rustling, etc. Teach to hear different noises, listen. Games to imitate sounds: how birds sing, animals scream. cars are making noise... 9. “Guess, based on the description, what I’m going to tell you about?” (from 5 years old) Examples: The girlfriends are different in height, but look alike. They are all sitting next to each other, but there is only one toy. 10. “Understanding the text.” (from 6 years old) The sentence is dictated: “Seryozha got up, washed, had breakfast, took his briefcase, went to school.” The child is asked about Serezha’s procedure. 11. Motor dictation (in steps). (from 5 years old) For example: one step forward, two steps to the right, one step back. 12.Draw certain shapes in the lower right corner, upper left corner, etc. (from 5 years old) 13. Draw lines (straight, dotted, wavy, colored, etc.) in a certain direction, without lifting the pencil from the paper. Example: from the center of the sheet (we put a dot), draw a wavy line up, then a straight line to the lower left corner. (from 6 years old) 14. “Arrange the signs” (from 6 years old) “Mark four dots on the line.” Place + from the first point from below, from the second - from above, from the third - to the right, from the fourth - to the left. Similarly with two different signs (+; -). 15. Mark four dots on the line. From the first, draw an arrow in a downward direction,).