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From the author: Neuropsychologist Maria Belova, What does your child’s academic performance consist of? First of all, of course, the degree of effectiveness and compliance with the requirements of the educational institution. Mention should also be made of the peculiarities of the child’s interpersonal relationship with the teacher in a specific subject, because there is also a subjective aspect in quantitative assessment. For example, a teacher, following his own attitudes and beliefs, may give a low grade to a child in class, based on the characteristics of his behavior during recess. This is the “Halo Effect” known in psychology - the result of the influence of a general impression of a child on the perception of his particular characteristics (“If a child behaves badly during recess, then he deserves a “2” in class). In addition, the characteristics of the family climate are also important, having a direct impact on such aspects of academic performance as the child’s self-esteem and self-perception of his success. Parents transmit a model of behavior and a value system to their child, so professional self-realization of parents and a trusting home atmosphere are extremely important. The child needs to have the opportunity to discuss with parents both issues that arise during the learning process and those related to problems of school interaction. In addition, it can be important for children to talk about abstract topics and share their experiences with their parents. The most important role in school performance is played by the child’s internal resources and the neuropsychological component of his activity. Is there a platform for training? Have the necessary brain structures matured and are they ready to perform the required tasks? Does his brain get enough oxygen? Is there a source from which the child draws strength in order to then focus on the lesson and be collected? Does the child know how to concentrate in principle? The organization of the workplace is also important: is there a personal space, your own desk, for example, with comfortable lighting and comfortable seating? Do you have all the necessary materials for training? Are the textbooks in order? Does the child know where to look for information? Does he write down his homework? All this needs to be taught to the child, to empower and enrich his cognitive-behavioral tools, to form the foundation for successful learning. To improve a child’s academic performance, it is necessary to take into account and harmonize all of the listed components, observe routine moments, develop a motivational mechanism, and “adjust” the neuropsychological component. Day by day, a specialized neuropsychological approach called “Special correction of retardation in individual subjects” or, as it is commonly called, “Russian language, reading and mathematics with a neuropsychologist” is gaining popularity - it is with these disciplines that schoolchildren have problems in the first place. In the classroom attention is paid to all components of school performance, and not only to mastering knowledge in the subject, but also to practicing the ability to apply this rule! Activities are divided into simple and child-friendly steps. Thus, he learns to learn! School teachers and tutors are increasingly turning to neuropsychologists for help due to the relevance and totality of the problem of school performance. Simple memorization under the strict supervision of parents only creates a negative attitude towards the subject. Dear parents, do not neglect the help of a specialist! 5 or 2? The future of your child depends on you! Sign him up for diagnostics with a neuropsychologist. The result will not be long in coming!