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😊 Today we will talk about how to quarrel correctly. It’s unlikely that any of us like conflicts and quarrels, but they inevitably happen in everyone’s life. It is important to learn to cope with them and find constructive solutions to problems. Let's figure out how to do this. The first and most important rule is to remain calm and control your emotions. Remember that a quarrel is not a reason for insults and rudeness. If you notice that you are starting to lose control over your words or actions, it is better to take a short break and try to calm down. The second rule is active listening. Give due respect to the opinions and feelings of your interlocutor. Give him the opportunity to speak to the end, without interrupting. Try to put yourself in his place and feel his emotions. Maybe you have a common ground that you weren't aware of before. The third rule is to keep your interests in mind. Find a compromise solution that will suit both parties. Remember that a quarrel should not be a fight to win, but an opportunity to find a solution that will be best for everyone. The fourth rule is to apologize if you are wrong. Don't be shy about admitting mistakes; it demonstrates your maturity and willingness to reconcile. But remember that your interlocutor must also be ready to accept the apology, otherwise the world will not be restored. And the last rule is to learn from mistakes. Every quarrel is an experience that will help you better understand other people and yourself. Try to learn a lesson from each conflict and apply it in the future to avoid repeating similar situations. Ultimately, arguments can be used as a tool to improve relationships and our self-awareness. They help us deal with problems and reveal those sides of our personality that we were not yet aware of. 🙌Perhaps some of you are now wondering: “Is it necessary to quarrel at all?” And here the answer is clear - yes, sometimes quarrels are inevitable, and the main thing is to learn how to do it correctly. Remember our rules and be able to build arguments without unnecessary aggression. I hope this information was useful to you. Feel free to share your opinions and experiences in the comments. I'd love to hear your stories and advice. 😉 See you again! Sincerely, Elizaveta Mazuryak! 🌸Registration by phone +79640441301, SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram or email [email protected].