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What creates fear? How to get rid of fear? What is fear? Fear is our innate emotion, the function of which is to protect. That is, as we see, fear is positive in nature, since it protects from danger. Why, in this case, is fear perceived negatively and has its negative consequences? Because how, in the process of life, the concept of danger is distorted. What does it mean? Fear has two ways of origin: experience gained in the process of life and the other side of the coin - novelty, unknown, ignorance. These are two main types of fear, let's call them acquired and imaginary. For example, in childhood you received a negative emotion that you no longer want to receive. This is enough for the body’s protective function to turn on. At the same time, a negative belief is formed, which is repeated and confirmed in the process of life, and you are already sure that this is so and not otherwise. Therefore, you will in every possible way avoid repeating this situation, these words, events, etc.... You can do this unconsciously, on the one hand you want to, on the other hand, you do not allow yourself to do this - since the subconscious mind includes the function of protection. That is, in childhood - fear was relevant, now it is not - but the subconscious mind protected that function and will turn it on until you put it into it (through detailed analysis) that there is no need for protection now. We looked at an example from childhood memories - acquired fear. Now let's look at an example of imaginary fear. You want to change your life in some area, but fear is in the form of beliefs (difficult, difficult, impossible, too expensive, not for me, etc.). That is, on the one hand there is desire, on the other hand there is fear of the unknown. Again we can observe an internal conflict that does not allow events to develop in the desired direction. In this case, a similar scheme works. You analyze the issue in detail, realizing that protection is not needed, that you can gain a series of knowledge, break actions into small fragments (creating a sequence), which will allow you to easily perceive upcoming changes and even see the advantages... What to do and how to get rid of fear? First: you should not get rid of fear - since this is a form of struggle. Moreover, getting rid of that part that is part of our nature is doubly meaningless. Any form of struggle is a conflict. It is much more effective to accept and neutralize... Second: If this is an acquired fear (from the past), independently or with the help of a specialist, identify negative beliefs that include a protective function, consider their relevance and significance at the present moment, create a new belief and place it in the subconscious through repetition ... Third: If there is imaginary fear, the action is similar: independently or with the help of a specialist, identify negative beliefs that include a protective function, consider their relevance and benefits, create a new one and place it in the subconscious through repetition... Fourth, but especially important: important to realize that fear is always present in us, in everyone - this is part of our humanity, without fear we would not feel danger (fire, height, speed, etc.) - it is important in our lives, we just need to learn to perceive it correctly and use. Successful and happy people are distinguished not by the fact that they do not experience fear, but by the fact that their desire, determination and determination are stronger than fear... Get a free consultation... With boundless love and faith in you...