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From the author: www.mtp.lg.ua Try to remember how often in your life you experienced a state of absolute happiness, happiness, without reason or reason. How often, or when was the last time, did you sincerely rejoice at a new day, an ordinary, everyday day, and expect something incredibly good from it? That’s it! Most of us have forgotten how, or even never even knew how, to be happy. One incident made me think that being happy is a great art. At my friend’s birthday, as a background for the celebration, a concert was played “ Disco of the 80s - 90s." Unnoticed, the company went into nostalgic memories. After some time, everyone except me said what year they would like to return to now. The guests' gazes turned questioningly to me. And I honestly said that I don’t want to go back anywhere. There was silence at the table, which, very opportunely, was interrupted by the husband of the hostess: “So you are a happy person, mother?!” It is worth noting that among the guests there were no old or infirm people who would simply like to prolong their youth. And it came as a great surprise to me that young people wanted to return to the past to be happy, rather than step into the future. It was after this incident that I began to think about the nature of happiness, about why some can be happy and others cannot. The answer I came to is that people are simply not ready to let happiness into their lives. Not ready to accept it. Don't believe me? Try to answer a person who asks you: “How are you?” with a smile: “I’m doing very, very well!” On the person’s face, you will see a mixture of distrust, surprise and even sympathy, but not acceptance of your answer (and therefore state). And this is not at all from an evil character or envy, but simply because the majority are not ready to be happy. Being happy is an art that needs to be learned. Just as you will not jump with a parachute for the first time without consulting an experienced instructor, you should not try to get rid of your fears, complexes and problems on your own. The best instructor on the path to happiness is a psychotherapist. With the help of positive psychotherapy, this specialist will not only help you understand your problems, but also teach you how to cope with them on your own, teach you how to correctly perceive difficulties and even use them for your personal development. Individual sessions or group sessions – trainings and seminars – it’s up to you to decide. In both cases, positive psychotherapy does not just help solve some particular problem, positive psychotherapy works wonders. It teaches you to live in a new way, to live without looking back at the unsuccessful experiences of the past, but relying on it on the way to your wonderful future. Positive psychotherapy opens up new horizons for everyone, removing barriers and attitudes that prevent us from achieving our goals. Conquering our fears, concerns and phobias, positive psychotherapy gives us a chance to change our lives for the better and finally begin to live happily. Once, the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said: “A journey of a thousand leagues begins with one step!”, and with such a step , for everyone who is ready to break negative scripts and attitudes, for everyone who is not afraid to be happy, there should be a training or seminar using positive psychotherapy techniques. Instead of PS: from personal experience: as soon as you feel happy for the first time, without any reason, your life begins to rapidly change for the better. It’s paradoxical, but true - after you first experience unconditional happiness, reasons for it will begin to appear in your life day by day. Better, don’t take my word for it, but check how it works for yourself!