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Those qualities and emotions that we consider good are weaknesses for many. For example, kindness, many believe that to be kind means to be weak. But this is not so, in what we consider our weakness lies our greatest strength. It is not rigidity, unscrupulousness, and rage that carry strength, but gentleness, flexibility, kindness, calmness and wisdom that make us powerful. Only in calmness can we see the true essence of things, learn to believe in our own strengths and in ourselves... Calmness is not an external show of indifference, but an internal state. This is a state when you respond adequately to any external stimuli. Being flexible does not mean being controlled by other people, it is the ability to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances or those that suddenly occur. If an unpleasant event suddenly occurs in your life, you do not panic or become aggressive, do not look for those to blame, but begin to look for a way out of the current situation... you act and do not feel sorry for yourself - this is flexibility. A soft person is not weak, a soft person is calm and balanced... softness is stronger than hardness, softness can suppress any manifestations of hardness. For example, if there is a person next to you who is angry and trying to suppress you, and you remain in a balanced state, speak calmly, quietly and do not make unnecessary movements... the person will follow your wave and calm down or leave you alone and leave . Truly good people are always strong. Every person is capable of showing kindness; do not underestimate the benefits it can bring. There are many stereotypes because of which people are afraid to use their kindness...for example, “do not do good, you will not receive evil” or some people believe that if you are kind, then everyone will take advantage of your kindness. Of course, you shouldn’t impose your good deeds just to be good or to get benefits... from the “I helped you, so you owe me...” series. Goodness should always come from the heart, when you do a good deed - you do it not because you expect something in return, but simply because you want it... Kind people are always more cheerful, happy and healthy... Wisdom combines all of the above... wisdom is also responsibility, supported by life experience. But wisdom is not only prudence, experience and knowledge... wisdom is, of course, inner peace, the absence of uncontrollable emotions that can cloud the mind. A wise man values ​​his life and everything he has. Wisdom does not come on its own; it can be developed in oneself with the help of kindness, calmness and responsibility. Are you developing these qualities in yourself? Or maybe you want to add some other qualities to this list? You can make an appointment by calling +7 962 855-01-69 Whats App, Telegram or via a personal message on the website.