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If you lack self-confidence, then it can and should be developed. How? A person who is not completely confident in himself and his abilities looks like that from the outside. There is a direct connection: internal confidence leads to respectable behavior. But it turns out that there is also a feedback - behavior corresponding to a state of confidence leads to the appearance of this state. Therefore, if you want to gain confidence, advance in your career, learn to influence people, then you... need to master the skills of behavior of confident people. What are these skills? I’ll give you a few recommendations that usually work well in the practice of my clients: 1. Posture. Your posture should be correct. At the same time, the head position is level, the head is not tilted. Shoulders turned, back straight. It is advisable that your posture is correct while you walk, stand and even sit. The “crooked” state gives a person the appearance of not only an insecure person, but also closed to communication, dissatisfied and painful.2. Gait. Look at how people who are in power and worthy of respect walk. Their gait is leisurely. Hands are near the body. The steps are not large, but not small either. They are in no hurry. After all, those who are in a hurry about other people's business are in a hurry :).3. Voice. Your voice, if you want to “sound” like a confident person, should be quite low. A high-pitched voice (“childish”) evokes pity and condescension towards the speaker. Avoid enthusiasm and expression in speech. Do not swallow syllables and sounds. Learn the correct articulation of sound.4. Speech. I think you will agree that the speech of a self-confident person does not contain “uhh...”, “well, this is... what’s his name...”, etc. That is, speech must be literate. No comment. Simple, declarative sentences add weight to your speech. For example: “We went. The trip turned out to be pleasant. We got the desired result." Instead of: “We went and our trip was very pleasant and even more, we not only enjoyed it, but also benefited.” The speech of a self-confident person is leisurely. Speaking quickly shows that you are in a subordinate position.5. Appearance. It’s quite simple here. But at the same time, in practice, I encounter many “inconsistencies”. For example, a young woman wants to get a promotion. And he dresses like a teenager. Or a woman for... chooses clothes that would suit her granddaughter better. Etc. Of the above methods of gaining more confidence, I especially want to highlight speech. This is the most powerful weapon of influence and influence. It needs to be paid close attention to those who want to gain confidence. Especially if you set yourself the goal of exerting the desired influence on other people. If you are a manager, manager, teacher, salesman, then your speech is a working tool that “sells” you and your abilities. Customize it and make it perfect! And then confidence will become your natural state. If you find it difficult to implement these recommendations, then I invite you to work with me! Yours, Olga Fedoseeva. women's success coach.olga-fedoseeva.ru