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From the author: How to explain the inexplicable... It’s like performing a miracle. A good question was asked by our students during a three-year training course. The question literally sounded like this. Why does the constellator in a preliminary interview often demand a very detailed answer to the question: “What do you want as a result?”, and when at the end of the constellation the client asks: “I’m absolutely It’s not clear what this image of the constellation means, what should I do with it... Can you, dear constellation, explain, help me figure it out...” - constellations often, instead of a detailed answer, answer in general phrases or even leave the client alone with this experience of uncertainty: “Wait with this (in a blurry, indistinct way)..." This is a very interesting question. I’ll try to answer. Systemic constellation works with the individual unconscious of the client and the collective unconscious of his family (and other groups in which he is involved) using a tool called substitutive or vicarious perception. Start of constellation – it’s like a springboard before jumping into a dark pool. The volumes of information in this dark pool of the unconscious far exceed our wildest imagination. For example, our individual unconscious contains all the information from the moment of our conception. In fact, the unconscious is billions of dark rooms in a dark pool. And specification of the request is simply necessary for targeted, targeted search. At a minimum, we need to understand whether we are sailing to Australia or America. But no matter how we specify the client’s request, this cannot guarantee us anything. We dived at the address, but at this address we found nothing, or we found something completely formless, incomprehensible. And although the arranger has much greater expertise compared to the client, this is expertise in the process. He knows how to dive, how to retrieve and extract information, how to structure it, but the truth is that the essence of this information is much clearer to the client, this is the client’s “native” information. And no matter what hypotheses or guesses the arranger has about what was extracted, the client has the right to choose exactly the option that is closer to him, more understandable, more adequate to his perception. I remember the dialogue at one of the sessions: Constellator: “Dear client, the field shows that to get out of your crisis state, you need to talk to your mother and work through your relationship with your parents... The field shows this clearly...” Client: “Dear constellator. Not at all. I love my mother very much... VERY! But we won’t talk to her today!” Stage manager: “Dear client, why?” Client: “Dear stage manager, you see, in my wonderful childhood, my mother and father did such things to me that Gestapo torture was childish pranks. They just didn’t tie me upside down to the ceiling... Everything else was... I’m not ready to talk to my mother today...” Arranger: “Dear client, thank you for telling me about this. This is very important for the success of our business... Let's go to another test and see what else we can do..." The second test shows a situation from a different context (from a past incarnation metaphor), very reminiscent of the Inquisition torture situation... And the client distanced from the traumatic situation metaphor of time (epoch, century), perfectly works out a remote situation for himself, does it effectively and painlessly. So: The client and the constellator, as seekers of treasures, information necessary for personal transformation, find out in as much detail as possible where and what, and for what they will be looking for (in-depth interview). The search may be successful - the information retrieved may or may not be detailed, accessible, understandable to both. There are no guarantees. And this information is much closer to the client’s body; it is an old friend of his. And it is the client who has the final say in interpreting this information. And the arranger is only an expert for extracting and structuring messages, a guide who, based on thisinformation helps the client transform himself. And in almost every constellation the constellator is faced with situations where no templates, no old samples, no previous deciphering experience work. https://www.b17.ru/selected/?u=165655 - selections of current articles on other topics Solutions What solutions exist when nothing is clear? Neither the client, nor the arranger, nor the deputies, nor the observers. No one. The phrase of a constellation therapist who is trying to understand the next puzzle that the field brings him works very well: “I don’t understand anything here yet. I don't understand anything here yet. What does this mean to you, dear client?” As a response to such an intervention by a constellation therapist, the field, like a hut on chicken legs, unfolds into a different perspective, more convenient for comprehension, adding details and information. Another option is to seat all the deputies and set up a new, simpler image of the constellation. Most often this is the arrangement of one of the most energetically charged fragments of the previous image. Very often this allows you to move forward. Release the constellation into the so-called “autopoiesis” - spontaneous movement of substituents, having previously instructed the client about the features of this version of constellation work. “Let the unconscious processes happen on an unconscious level.” The methodology of this work is very well developed in the works of Arnold Mindell on process work. It is important to understand that the unfolding of the picture in these arrangements occurs until the client hits his “edge”, but does not exhaust his capacity for perceiving something new. A certain portion of novelty (on a conscious and unconscious level) will enter the client, but some will not. In this work, it is very important for the arranger to carefully monitor the client’s non-verbal manifestations. As soon as he fell into a “trance of misunderstanding”, he had enough. The processes launched in this way operate in the client at a subconscious level. In this case, the really best homework is to be with it, live with it, observe yourself for some time (up to a month), without taking any specific actions. It is not recommended to make drastic decisions in your life during this period. Discuss with the client and completely change the topic of the request. Exhibit a completely new image of the arrangement. For example, instead of arranging the right choice, put the constellation on acquiring a resource for the most adequate implementation of the right choice. In certain cases, it is necessary to offer the client a completely different form of the constellation (a different setting). Instead of a group arrangement, offer an individual one on anchors, figures or in the imagination. What the client could not do in a group, he does perfectly well one on one with the therapist. One of the solutions to the problem of “how to explain to the client what is not clear to the constellator himself” is an explanation in more general formulations. Instead of arguing over whether it is a “tank” or a “self-propelled gun,” you can tell the client: “This is some kind of technical vehicle.” Instead of: “Here brother killed brother,” you can say: “In this pair, one suffered, the other acted as the aggressor.” In many cases, this can really be limited. It's enough. I will say more, sometimes when among the deputies there is a psychic who describes “his vision” of a tragic situation in the smallest detail, these small details can greatly interfere, distracting the client from the essence. One solution is the following: “Dear client, we are not allowed there. Most likely, the ancestors have a secret that they do not want to make public. Tell them this: “I respect your privacy. I won’t bother you." Sometimes this is the only possible solution. As you might guess, there are probably many more solutions. Complete the list, carry out arrangements, enjoy the results, for the benefit of the client and for the sake of the prosperity of our beautiful Motherland. The training course “Fundamentals” will start soon 84952266880