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The world of cinema gave us an introduction to support groups and psychoanalysts. Moreover, the latter are often presented as comical, indifferent, silently nodding throughout the session for which they charge a lot of money. In fact, psychotherapy is quite diverse, represented by many approaches and schools. I want to write about what I believe in and what I use when working with clients. The conversation will be about Gestalt therapy. Gestalt is not just a German word and not something that is open all the time for some reason, but friends wisely advise to close it. Literally from German “Gestalt” is translated as “form”, “figure”, “image”. Gestalt therapy, as a direction of psychology, was formulated by Fritz and Laura Perls in the middle of the last century. Nowadays, this direction is widespread not only in personal, but also in group and family therapy. I will try to talk briefly and clearly about how and with what this direction works. Integrity. In the Gestalt approach, a person is considered as a holistic organism, including biological, mental and social aspects. Relevance. Gestalt therapy works in the actual time mode: what is important is what is here and now (what is much more important is not my quarrel with my friend, but my feelings now when I talk about it). Awareness. Gestalt therapy helps the client become aware of his desires and needs (boundary-contact with the environment), as well as the mechanisms that interfere with the satisfaction of these needs (resistance). Gestalt therapy is therapy through contact. This means that the client-therapeutic contact is the main means of therapy, regardless of the techniques and exercises used. Responsibility. The Gestalt therapist, in addition to helping the client develop more and more awareness, supports the development of the client's responsibility for his life and his decisions. It is this difficult skill that allows you to later develop independence and internal self-reliance. Literature: 1.N. Lebedeva, N. Ivanova "Journey to Gestalt. Theory and Practice" - St. Petersburg: LLC "Rech", 2004. - 25-26s.