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From the author: If you want to create, but don’t know what type of creativity would suit you and where your talent is “buried”, read this article! And again, I greet everyone who cares about self-knowledge in general and self-knowledge in creativity. In the last article I talked and talked about the benefits of creativity. And I think that there should be no doubt that creativity can have a beneficial effect on us. However, at the end I mentioned that it is important to find your own type of creativity. After all, if we do something that we don’t like or that really doesn’t work out well, then there will be very little or no benefit or pleasure at all. For example, sometimes psychologists ask clients to draw something during a session or in a group, saying that this is just just an art therapy exercise, they say, you don’t have to be able to draw well, and you don’t need any skills at all. Yes, clients often worry that they are not artists, always trying to communicate this. And if we talk about therapy, sometimes it’s really not at all important that the client gets pleasure, especially if the purpose of this task is diagnostic or some other, not at all aimed at obtaining satisfaction, self-expression or harmonization. But it also happens that a person who doesn’t like to draw in principle (even if it’s because he’s bad at it) this task will not only not bring pleasure, but will also not give any therapeutic result at all, because he won’t be able to tune in to exercise, and will not invest in it. There are situations when in a group you “cannot force” a person to draw or dance. That is, a person is completely unprepared to work with the help of such a tool. It doesn't suit him. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a complex or an internal resistance... He refuses completely or does the exercise “under pressure.” That is, we see: not every creative activity and not every creative method will “work” for you even for therapeutic purposes, not to mention any achievements... So how do I understand what type of creativity is right for me? How to recognize your talent? Do you need to explore your abilities and how to explore them? Researching your abilities can take quite a long time. How can this procedure be simplified? The first and most important thing to start with is asking yourself a question - what do I like? What triggers my inner response? What kind of art from the outside evokes an emotional impulse in me? Am I fascinated by Latin American dances, or am I delighted by knitted napkins? Do I adore the Russian language, savoring every phrase while reading, and enjoying my own fantasies regarding the development of the plot, or do I just like to read good literature without pretending to be a writer? Of course, you can love many things, many types of art, what is important here is whether I am able to put myself In the place of the author, I would like to write a story or a novel, dance or play the guitar, knit or embroider something beautiful. Do I see myself in this “great” role? How is she to me? Do I really want to be in this role or am I just ready to enjoy myself as a spectator? Visualization can help here. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in different potentially related roles. Where are your feelings at their peak, where is your emotional response maximum? This will be the answer. In fact, friends, strange as it may seem, but often a potential ability turns out to be exactly what causes strong feelings and what we are to some extent afraid of. The latter is not necessary, of course, but it occurs precisely when a person has difficulties with self-determination. If you are in long searches and doubts, misunderstandings of what is yours and what is not, then most likely some kind of fear is stopping you, and if you discover it when thinking about any business, it is quite possible that it is this business that you have you have talent. In addition to exploring what is in your present, you can/