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If you have come across a toxic person on your life’s path, I sympathize with you: it happens. But if you get out of contact with it environmentally and carefully, its toxicity will have time to affect you only to a minimum. Actually, this is the main goal: to move away from such a person as quickly and further as possible. I will give my recommendations - about what steps would be wrong in this case and what steps will lead to the cleansing of your life field from the presence of such a toxic person in the shortest possible time . First - what not to do: - There is no need to show hostility towards this person. Hostility itself already turns off everything human in our brain that has grown there in the final stages of our evolution. And in the case of a toxic person, there is essentially nothing to turn off: the wild parts of the brain are already in favor there, with their wild reactions that do not distinguish between nuances and halftones. Therefore, if you add fuel to the fire with your anger to a toxic person who is already behaving aggressively towards you, it will continue to smoke for a long time. Why do you need this? - You shouldn’t try to reason with such a person. Because your attempt to “teach reason” and “appeal to conscience” will be perceived only as another attack, and therefore will provoke a new barrage of abuse and poison addressed to you. Remember a simple thing: if a person perceives you now through the prism of “enemy,” then any of your words, even if they are spoken with internal support in the form of thousands of tons of love and care for your interlocutor, will still be perceived distorted. If you speak from a position of strength, you will be accused of attacking and your “defense” will be strengthened. If you come out from a position of peaceful concession, you will be contemptuously accused of weakness, after which you will also be doused with another bucket of sewage. And if you remember that we are now talking about toxic people, then these people, as a rule, have already (and for a long time) been in the position of “all are freaks and enemies, we just need to prove it.” Which is exactly what they are doing. Do not interfere with this and do not stand in their way. Just step away. And at the same time follow simple recommendations: 1. Whenever possible, get out of contact and conversation with a toxic person. Just move away, disappear from sight, block on social networks, ignore. But just don’t take part in this “poison exchange.” If you are unnecessarily affected by toxic words, intonations and facial expressions, it is better to make a mental note to yourself “yes, this hurts me”, and then start working on these “tender places of your soul”, by training, for example, calm presence, acceptance, internal translator and other useful skills. But, for God’s sake, don’t be led by your “indignant dignity” and don’t get into a quarrel. Unless, of course, the altercation itself is not your original goal. Because if you want, yes, you can continue the fight, treating it as a training sparring. But if you have nothing to prove to yourself and you don’t see any bonuses from such sparring, it’s better to remain silent and “go off into the sunset,” saving strength and resources for what’s really important in your life. And I’m sure you have a lot of this. Do this beloved and joyful thing. 2. If a toxic person turns out to be from the “stuck” family (very rare individuals, but sometimes they occur), and if such a person begins to follow you and literally spoil you (says something about you, does something nasty to you, including leading to represent tangible losses for you: material and reputational), then, of course, I recommend that you fight back. But - attention! — this rebuff should be expressed only in actions. Don't call him names, don't pour out emotional poison in response, don't stoop to his level. There, if you get dirty, it’s difficult to wash off afterwards. Just busily and calmly protect yourself in all available and adequate ways. Should I sue? - Serve it. Can you influence what belongs to a toxic person to shift his attention from your losses to his own losses? - Try it. It is effective in many.