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My ardent love for Smeshariki is partly due to the fact that the older I get, the more meaning I find in the episodes of the animated series. Therefore, I decided to write a series of articles about various psychological phenomena using the example of the adventures of these wonderful characters. Today I am analyzing the character of Kopatych. This character is characterized by emotionality, sensitivity, he cries with disappointment, laughs loudly with joy, and is easily scared and angry. Kopatych is very worried about his friends, he immediately rushes to help, without trying to analyze the situation. A strongly expressed feature of this bear is humanity. He is careful about nature, loves to grow plants and take care of animals. Kopatych’s emotionality more than once became the subject of conflicts between him and his father. His father demanded that he keep his feelings to himself and be a “real bear,” but Kopatych is still busy with a calm, meditative profession - growing food for the Smeshariki commune. This characteristic shows that the central accentuated feature of the character is emotional lability. This type of accentuation unites Kopatych with Nyusha, Barash, Sovunya and Losyash, about whom I have already written. It is not surprising that half of Smeshariki show these traits - after all, the emotionality of these characters easily makes it possible to build a conflict situation and makes interaction interesting. Describing labile accentuation for the fifth time is not so interesting, so I will concentrate on those features that distinguish Kopatych from the rest of Smeshariki. Kopatych’s emotions are often negative. He easily loses his temper when some event affects his plans for the day, when things break down and fail. If those around him behave strangely, he first laughs in embarrassment, and then frowns and demands that it stop. Kopatych himself is not very sensitive to the experiences of others. The bear would rather give practical advice or try to “cheer up” than listen and share experiences. At the same time, Kopatych himself often demonstrates vulnerability, acutely experiencing comments about the annual hibernation - an event that he cannot control. Kopatych is also addicted to honey consumption - he loves it so much that sometimes he eats it to his own detriment. Kopatych's obsession with honey in one episode was explicitly compared to alcohol addiction. These features relate to epileptoid accentuation of character. According to A.E. Lichko, epileptoids are characterized by frequent periods of poor mood, strong emotional outbursts, strong cravings and mental inertia. It is typical for them, in a situation of stress, to hold in themselves growing irritation, and then suddenly throw it out on the nearest object or person. It is common for epileptoids to compare emotions with a “steam boiler” or a “bath of patience”, when any unpleasant event can become the “last straw”. They take longer to recover from an emotional outburst than representatives of hyperthymic and labile accentuations and remember grievances for a long time. Epileptoids have a lot of fun, love noisy celebrations, fireworks, songs at the table, etc. There are both pure types and mixed ones. Epileptoidism is easily combined with a wide range of accentuations. In this case, hot temper and anger are added to the characteristics of other accentuation. Kopatych belongs to the labile-affective type, located at the junction between labile and epileptoid accentuation. He is more outgoing, emotions are expressed more quickly, a bad mood does not linger for long, and anger is not directed at others, but has an auto-aggressive orientation (Kopatych’s favorite phrase is “Bite me, bee!”). In addition to hot temper, epileptoids are distinguished by a special form of alcoholism. Epileptoids begin to drink alcohol early and often tend to drink to the point of unconsciousness. Alcohol is not a pleasure in itself, but it normalizes mood, helps relieve stress, and is also necessary for “fun.” When intoxicated, epileptoids can often».