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From the author: The problem of information security is an issue not only for professionals in the field of computer technology. Installing filters on the flows of various kinds of information infusions entering our brain is a daily task for each of us. “He is wise who knows not much, but what is necessary.” Aeschylus Information needs a minimum. Its quality is important, not quantity. A huge problem of modern man is the all-consuming volume of information. It pours in an unfiltered stream onto the shaky consciousness of the individual. Not everyone understands that filters must be installed at the entrance. Hippocrates said: “We are what we eat.” This also applies to spiritual food - information consumed. Set filters when receiving it. In fact, a person of information needs a balanced minimum. The minimum that is beneficial. Just the facts. And preferably less negativity. The interpretation of facts belongs to the person to whom the information is conveyed. Knowledge must be strung on the axis of truth, which is constantly being formed and adjusted within a person. And the responsibility for receiving information also lies with the recipient. Namely, it is not necessary to “know” much, but what is necessary. A minimum of information is needed. The main thing is to direct your thinking in a single direction. Schizophrenia, for example, arises due to the multidirectionality of behavioral and emotional messages from parents to the child. That is, the flow of sensory and intellectual information is huge and contradictory. They say one thing, do another, and feel something else. A child in such a family cannot put his thinking together. It is not possible to turn on the Observer in one direction (quantum physics). And the one who had this diversity of messages from the external environment in childhood and was able to direct his thinking in a single direction is simply a genius. He was able to hold his thoughts in a single picture. In some field of science or art, for example. And in the worldview (axis of truth). The same thing happens with happiness. And we’re not talking about good or bad here. Don't forget, everything is made this way by our mind. Shakespeare: “There is nothing good or bad in this world. There is only our attitude towards something.” There really is neither bad nor good, by themselves, without the included Observer. The main thing is a single direction of thought. The direction in which we collect information is what we will receive in our lives. We need a minimum of information. Sanity To install filters when receiving information flow, you must have sanity. Sanity consists of a complex: authoritative opinion, generic knowledge, personal experience. Here is an exercise for working with obsessive thoughts. Accumulation of energy at the mental level: Awareness of your thoughts throughout the day. Stopping unnecessary and negative thoughts. Observation of thoughts and, as a result, the ability to identify oneself with thoughts (to understand that I am not thoughts). As a result, the understanding that every thought entails fateful consequences. A minimum of information is needed. The power and quality of thought Think about what thoughts your space is currently registering. And what power does a thought have? “You can move the world with the power of thought. Thought is a great power. It can be transmitted from person to person. Thoughts can transform people's mindsets. Thought can do anything. Thought creates, thought destroys. Bitterness and sweetness are not hidden in objects, they are contained in consciousness, in the subject, in thinking. Bitterness and sweetness are generated by thought. It is the mind that gives color, shape and quality to objects. Your consciousness takes the form of any object on which you intensively reflect. Each person, with the mere power of his imagination, creates his own world of good and evil, pleasure and suffering. Good and evil, pleasure and pain do not come from objects. They are determined by the attitudes of your consciousness. This world is neither kind nor joyful. This is how your consciousness creates it.” Swami Sivananda “The Power of Thought: Its Physics and Philosophy” A minimum of information is needed. Maturity of mind and strength of spirit You need to be able to organize the chaos in your own psyche. “Maturity of mind and strength of spirit is nothing more than the correct reaction to Chaos.” S.V. Reymart Don’t forget to cleanse your heart. How? Peace and.