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There is probably no person in the world who has not experienced a headache at least once in his life. This is one of the most difficult to diagnose and sometimes incurable ailments, which haunts a person again and again throughout his life. It is generally accepted that this disease is characteristic only of adults, but in fact, children suffer no less from headaches. This is especially noticeable during puberty and is more often observed in boys than in girls. Although in adulthood the picture changes radically, as evidenced by the observations of a number of studies in this area. Many people do not consider it necessary to see a doctor about headaches that occur and prefer to find out the cause of the pain and eliminate it independently by taking analgesics and antispasmodics. Often they manage to relieve the pain, but since the problem is not solved, after some time the pain returns again and, as a rule, gets worse. Everything repeats itself, and after some time the effect of the drugs used independently ceases to have the desired effect. Drug immunity occurs. Or there is another problem when, as a result of using the same drug, a person develops a persistent drug addiction and no other drug can alleviate the patient’s condition. Perhaps every Russian person uses such self-medication techniques. A small group of people, mostly women, attach importance to this kind of problem and turn to medical institutions. And only a few take an integrated approach to this problem, undergoing a medical examination to get a complete picture of the state of their body and prevent the development of more serious diseases, as well as seeking help from a psychologist-kinesiologist. These people solve their problem faster, since it is the integrated approach of medicine and psychokinesiology that gives the highest results in eliminating psychosomatic diseases. Why should you contact a psychologist-kinesiologist? We all know that when the body hurts, we go to the doctor, but when the Soul hurts, we most often take a sedative and, which is now very fashionable, antidepressants. But no one, as a rule, thinks about the cause of feelings of excitement and anxiety, poor interrupted sleep or insomnia and, as a result, the appearance of unexplained headaches. Of course, we are talking only about psychosomatics here. There is an international medical classification of headaches, which represents a huge variety of headaches based on manifestation, localization, course, etc. But almost all of these pains have a psychological basis. Since a headache is just a consequence, the result of an unresolved problem that once arose. I would like to draw the attention of readers to the existence of a wonderful method - this is Kinesiology in the “One Brain” concept. A method based on muscle testing of the body and the assertion that a person is the only source of reliable information that he needs and needs to know. Thanks to this method, it is possible to help a person get rid of headaches in a fairly short period of time, in comparison with other psychotechnics. With the help of muscle testing, it is possible to accurately determine at what age and why a person experienced that particular stressful situation, which then marked the beginning of the disease. Through the test, the kinesiologist communicates with the client’s body in a unique “Body Language”. We are used to perceiving information through speech, sound, color, and gesture. However, there is another language. The language our body speaks is the well-known binary code - 0/1 (YES/NO) - the weak and strong response of the indicator muscle (tested muscle). Human muscles are able to respond to change in the most precise way.