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Women often come to me for consultation with a similar request: How to open up to new relationships? How to start trusting a man again? Naturally, such distrust does not arise out of nowhere. This problem arises among women who have experienced betrayal by men, betrayal, or an unpleasant breakup. And really, how can you open up again after a strong blow? What if THIS happens again? It’s especially scary if you continually attract men who hurt you again and again. But don’t despair: there is always a way out, if, of course, you want to find it. Ideally, I I recommend serious work with a specialist. It is usually difficult for us to cope with strong emotional experiences on our own, because... they narrow our vision of the world and prevent us from finding an adequate solution to the problem. A specialist will make your path to a new relationship faster and more comfortable. However, there are points that you can do on your own and right now. Determine your life scenario. Take a mental look at your past. When else have you experienced such emotions of resentment, pain, depression? How often have similar situations occurred in your life? If you notice that emotions are repeated over and over again, then congratulations - you have found your life script! This means that you yourself “create” such unpleasant stories and attract the appropriate people for this. For what? This is where you need to figure it out individually. Each person has their own script. It's not bad, it's not good - it just is. It is important to understand why you chose this particular plot for your personal life, and everything will fall into place!2. Work through your negative experiences. Usually, after a failed relationship, women feel resentful. This is the most powerful emotion that can not only ruin all your feminine happiness and personal life, but also seriously undermine your health. By the way, resentment also greatly affects attractiveness! To free yourself from resentment, irritation, and anger, do the “Letter to the offender” technique. I won’t describe it now, you can see it in my video, where I talk about it in detail.3. Work with self-esteem. After strong negative experiences, our self-esteem declines. It happens that we take the blame for the fact that we were offended. In part, this is, of course, true: after all, we ourselves allowed such a situation in our lives. But you also don’t need to take on too much! So, work with a list of your advantages. Good old technique that always works. Directly make a list of your good character traits, your skills, good deeds, achievements, beautiful body parts, etc. In general, write everything that comes to mind. The main rule here is don’t be shy! Write down every little thing: do you know how to bake delicious buns? – to the list, do you have beautiful ears? – to the list, have you lost 2 kilograms? – also on the list! Write everything you are proud of! My dears, even if you do only these 3 points, it will become easier for you to open up to new relationships. Don't let old grievances and all sorts of "unpleasant entities" influence your happiness! Registration for a free consultation continues ==>http://goo.gl/forms/EGJBCYODNpA9sYjk2 With love, Anastasia LuchkinaWomen's coach, relationship expert