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How do life scenarios rule us? 18 years ago, when I was just thinking about being a psychologist and I didn’t have personal therapy, I often did what I didn’t want, worked a lot, solved the problems of others, and kept putting off my own life. In fact, this is typical people of my generation, because we were raised by “post-war” parents. They were not there emotionally, they were constantly at work. They firmly believed that it was necessary first for society and the party, and then someday for themselves. We have the same beliefs in our heads. “If you want it done well, do it yourself.” “I am the last letter in the alphabet.” “What do you mean I can’t? Why are you overworking?” That’s why we often behave in such a way that we don’t ask for help when it’s needed and push ourselves into the background. This is our life scenario. And people of another generation behave differently in the same situations. They have their own scenario. For example, the generation of the 90s was raised by parents who were constantly at work. Because in order to survive you have to “plow”, there is no time for luxury. There was a lack of material, spiritual benefits, and travel. Therefore, their beliefs and behavior are often: “we need to quickly take something from life and give it to our children while they can afford it.” Children from the 00s were raised by parents who did not have such opportunities for learning and creativity. social networks. Therefore, this generation was raised with English, sports and everything, starting from kindergarten. Therefore, the generation of zero behaves creatively, competes well, but often does not see other people next to them (damn social networks!) All these are examples of life scenarios. These are values. , the beliefs and behaviors a person needs to feel good about themselves. And so that society accepts him this way. The script works unconsciously. He controls us without our knowledge. When we realize that the roots come from there, we can do something about it. There are advantages in any scenario - it helps to survive, to receive support from society. But there are also limitations when interacting with oneself and others. For example, the 70-80 generation, on the one hand, shows independence, responsibility, and the ability to achieve goals. But on the other hand, they neglect their needs and rest. Or the generation of the 90s has developed flexibility and the ability to quickly take advantage of the situation. But many of them are used to coping with difficulties alone, they are afraid of losing stability, avoid risks, and are overly strict with themselves. What can you do with your life scenario? First, look at your scenario and the scenario of your generation from the outside. See the positive sides, and take them. And what is already preventing you from removing it. Secondly, you can write your own script. One where you can work, travel, develop, be with yourself and with society. Galina Martynyuk, psychosomatologist, doctor and scenario psychologist, WhatsApp 89164041162