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There comes a time in every person's life...) when you have to choose - for example, which profession of two to prefer or whether to get married and leave work or get married and make a career. It is often difficult for a person to make a choice, so I suggest you, if you have to choose from two or three, then make this choice according to the following algorithm: 1. Formulation. It is advisable to lead it to a phrase that sounds something like this: “I have 2 options (3 options) to choose from, but I don’t know which one to prefer.” After this, you need to formulate each of the options without a negative connotation. 2. Deadlines. It is very important to understand what time period of your life will be affected by one or another of your choices (2 weeks, 3 months, 5 years, 14 years, etc.).3. Line on the floor. Draw a line on the floor (you can put a rope) that will correspond to the segment that you determined in the previous paragraph 2. 4. The moment of choice. Now decide on the timing - when exactly, in what timeframe, this choice must be made. For example, you have received job offers from two organizations, and you must respond within three days. Accordingly, your line on the floor begins its countdown from today and you make a mark on it that corresponds to three days. At this point the choice should “occur” and from here the second line will go (meaning the choice, for example, of a second job).5. A look into the future. Now look first at one line (meaning the choice of the first job) and write on a piece of paper everything that comes to your mind related to the first job (events, situations, guesses, conclusions, etc.) Then look at the second line (meaning the choice of the second job ) and write the same regarding the second work. The only thing is that you can write whatever you want, but you don’t need to enter this or that assessment of these events and situations, guesses, conclusions, etc. Then emphasize the important and basic things that can be highlighted from what was written in the first and second work. Then literally go along each line and mark (put leaves) where, in your opinion, these important and main events, situations, guesses, conclusions, etc., will be located, regarding the first and second works. Try to “live” every situation, event, guess, conclusion that you prudently “marked” in advance on the line. You need to be very well associated with each of these lines. 6. Analysis. Now, having left the lines, you need to “look through” those paths (first and second) that you can take and already at this stage evaluate what “happened” there. Try to find all the advantages that you will get by following the first and second paths. Pay special attention to the advantages and their search. You can also find disadvantages of each of the 2 paths. 7. Connection. Now you have a virtual experience of going through one and the other path. What can be done? Imagine one person who has walked the first path, and another person who has walked the second path. “Put”, for example, one on the left hand, and the second on the right hand. And... let them negotiate among themselves, this moment can be left to the unconscious. Then, when they come to an agreement, you can slowly join both hands together, bring them to your chest and, as it were, “draw in” the resulting “person.” 8. Summary. Now look at the lines that are in front of you - perhaps you already know which path you will take (this may be a third path that you have not thought about before). At the end, “consult” with your unconscious: if the Choice is made is true for you, then - There is a feeling of internal balance (or “duty accomplished”). If the Choice is made incorrectly, then you can feel anxiety and a desire to “go back” and re-choose. The algorithm is not suitable for those people who always find it difficult to make a choice (for example, they shift responsibility for it to other people). Good luck with your elections!