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How to drop everything and start living. 5 secrets “How to give up everything to get where you want” Has this happened to you? One fine day you realized that you didn’t like the life you have now at all and really wanted to give up everything and go “without a hat” into the dead of night. At such moments, your friends, parents or loved ones usually twist their finger at their temple and say that - something like: “Be patient, it will pass soon.” And most of us endure, hoping that we will “fall in love,” an unloved job, a relationship with an unsuitable partner, living in an apartment with crazy neighbors, a lifestyle that will lead us “nowhere.” Because , that, although it is unpleasant to live like this, it is familiar and safe. It's scary to change everything. What if something happens... Therefore, in such moments we prefer to drown out the “sadness and melancholy” with handy means: alcohol, fitness, meditation, antidepressants. (underline as necessary) and stay where we are now. In our audio course on stress management http://www.treningi.me/audiofree.html we already talked about the fact that the mood to “give up everything” is not given to us at all , in order to “wet the pillow” and calm down, but also carries with it the motivation to really change your life for the better. Such a good carrot at the back :) And when we are about to do this, the question arises in our heads: “HOW?” So that the sheep are safe and the wolves are fed? A very interesting question. Most people who want to change their lives break down on it, coming to the conclusion that “IT’S NOT POSSIBLE!” Only those who are not afraid of “going into the dead of night” and ending up without a hat at the North Pole among bears, having for the soul is only a “cat’s tail”. Sometimes I envy such people. An old friend of mine really wanted to move to the sea. Without hesitation, he sold his one-room apartment in Voronezh. With half the money I made myself a gorgeous portfolio and hired a producer, and with the rest I rented an apartment in Sochi for a year. His career as a fashion model didn’t work out; now he sells vegetables, but he’s absolutely happy living by the sea! If you suddenly drop everything and go into the night, I’ll be honest, you don’t know what awaits you there... Although it almost always depends on us. Lately we have begun to receive many letters from our clients who have decided to completely change their world and finally realize their desires and dreams, with questions: what is better: “to quit everything and start” or “to start and then quit”? And how do you know what to start? And what a guarantee that everything will work out! to get where you want." Understand the meaning. Why do you need to “Give up everything?” What do we really want? For example: - I want to leave my husband. He doesn't care about the child at all. - What's the point? What do we want? -I need more free time for myself. And this situation is not solved by leaving my husband at all. - I want to leave work. - The point? I want to lie down and do nothing! The point here is rest. A person does not have to quit his job. Two weeks of lying and doing nothing - and you will already get tired of it! If this is the meaning, one of the solutions to this situation is to take a vacation. Most sad cases when a person “gave up everything” and remained unhappy are precisely related to the substitution of meaning. A specific example: a woman is dissatisfied with life, decides to start with a simple thing - to leave her husband with whom “there is somehow little love,” and when she finds herself alone, and her husband is in a new family, she realizes that there was little love for herself. First of all, you had to start by at least doing what you love. But without a husband now it is very difficult, because... children need to be “put on their feet”, etc. 2. Decide clearly: what should be the result. So you dropped everything and left, but where did you come? - I don’t want to live in Moscow anymore! - Where do I want to? How do I want it? Describe as specifically as possible! - Tell me, please, where should I go from here? - Where do you want to go? – answered the Cat. “I don’t care...” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter where to go,” the Cat remarked. “Only