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It is generally accepted that burnout occurs as a result of chronic, unresolved stress in the workplace. Accordingly, the beginning of the development of this process is often quite blurred, and a person sounds the alarm when the situation has already worsened and he clearly understands that this cannot continue like this. Let me remind you that burnout at work is a state of increasing emotional exhaustion, fatigue, which is manifested by reluctance to go to work, low mood, thoughts about one’s unprofessionalism, and exacerbation of various diseases. The main symptom is a change in attitude towards one’s work desirability, towards colleagues, and clients. And all these symptoms do not come to us “suddenly”. Irritability gradually accumulates, the amount of dissatisfaction with one’s career and life in general gradually gains a critical mass. Scientists have even identified the stages in which burnout develops. There are 3 of them, but before burnout begins to develop, there are prerequisites for this. The main one is enthusiasm and extreme passion for one’s work to the detriment of all other needs. As a rule, being at this stage is perceived positively by both the employee himself and his team. This is a passion for work, new ideas, a willingness to sacrifice sleep to achieve goals, and pleasure in the process. But if there are internal personal qualities, such as perfectionism, sensitivity to criticism, inability to set priorities and see the main thing, a tendency to take on several things at once, overestimation of one’s capabilities - there is a risk from this stage of falling into the first phase of emotional burnout, which is called emotional exhaustion ( V. Boyko). And this stage, for some in a couple of weeks, for others in a couple of months, or in six months, or in a year (it all depends on the combination of external factors and the degree of development of our neuroticism), will first be followed by emotional detachment (reluctance to contact anyone, lack of involvement in work and personal situations) and exhaustion (negative assessment of oneself and one’s professional achievements, development of diseases). In this article we will dwell in more detail on the first signs that will allow us to pay attention to our condition and realize the seriousness of the changes taking place in us. As we have already said, burnout is a condition. And any mental condition is characterized by behavioral, psychological and physical symptoms. So, it makes sense to start taking action if you are experiencing the following physical symptoms: 1) lack of sleep leads to increased fatigue and decreased performance. The reverse side is that a person, on the contrary, sleeps a lot, living by the principle - “Sleep more - less problems,” since sleep seems to help him forget and not solve the situation that has arisen. 2) headaches, muscle spasms may begin, especially in the neck area, shoulders, lower jaw. 3) complaints are not a general feeling of poor health Among the psychological symptoms one can note: 1) a possible feeling of being “caged in a cage” - a feeling of despair and hopelessness, a person does not see a way out of the current situation 2) anxiety, fussiness, a sense of injustice 3) frequent withdrawal into oneself, replaying stressful situations, mental chewing gum 4) dissatisfaction with oneself, one’s position or specific responsibilities In behavior, the development of burnout can be noticeable by: 1) increased intake of coffee, cigarettes, alcohol as a way of relaxation 2) avoidance of traumatic situations 3) lack of physical activity 4) working more than 50 hours a week, the desire to stay late at work, or take work home. (it is noteworthy that as soon as burnout passes the stage of exhaustion, the opposite reaction is most often observed - formalism and work from bell to bell) The first signs so far only gnaw at the person himself. Outwardly everything looks pretty good, because!