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If your man is a man, it is vital for him to receive love from you in its various manifestations. Remember, I talked about women’s psychic centers, the so-called chakras? So, the states of a woman in a relationship also only three. And a man wants to see three “different” women in his woman: 🔥 - a wise woman, manager, insight, knowledgeable woman (active frontal chakra), 🔥 - a loving, caring mother (heart center active), 🔥 - a woman who gives pleasure (active sexual chakra). It is not difficult to guess that if the husband went to the left, it means he went to get the vibrations he was missing. When a woman gets married and gives birth to children, she begins to “get stuck” in the maternal position. These “have you eaten, dear?”, “dress warmly”, “don’t forget to buy medicine” - this is a mother’s position. It is needed! Men marry women to receive this care. But everything is good in moderation! By the way, it is being stuck in the mother position that “castrates” a man 100%. They also vitally need other energies - the Wise Woman and the Enjoying Woman. To feel like a Sage and a Man. From experience I can say that the most deficient state is an “enjoying woman.” For some girls, this delicious state is simply unfamiliar. Another distortion is when a woman is all so seductive, sexy, seductive. But her heart is “closed”. Such a woman does not like to care, help, be forgiving and understanding. And there will definitely come a time when a man, missing “mother’s love,” will go where he can get it. What to do? 1. Stop being a “mom” for your man. And this, I must say, is the most common reason for the loss of passion in a relationship.2. Remember your sexuality. And develop it. Sometimes you have to give yourself permission to be sexy.3. Know in what cases to activate your three different hypostases. Be able to switch in time.☝️It won’t be possible to “gush” with your heart and lower chakra and “head” at the same time! Energy always goes in greater quantities to the psychic center that corresponds to the situation. It is necessary to get acquainted and make friends with each state. And it is no less important to switch between these states on time! This is important, first of all, for yourself! If we are given some kind of energy, but we do not use it, we block it, then the first person who will suffer from this will not be our husband - we ourselves !Irritability, fatigue, lack of joy and drive in life are sad signs of such a life. Now you have the answer to the question “How not to deprive yourself of female happiness”? Hugs, yours, Olga Fedoseeva Don’t forget to subscribe! Author: Olga Fedoseeva, I’m marrying 35+ You can sign up for a consultation by phone: 8-921-436-87-03 W/V My blog Olga Fedoseeva Program GET MARRIED EASY. FOR WOMEN 35+ Support until the result. Have time to fit in!