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Holidays are wonderful. But as pleasant as it is to relax, you don’t want to go back to work after the end of the holiday string of days. According to statistics, in the first days after vacation or long holidays, people are more likely to take sick leave and write letters of resignation. How can you help your body adapt and quickly return to its working rhythm? Some recommendations: 1. Plan ahead. If you've been away somewhere, don't come back on the evening of your last day off. It’s better to give yourself a couple of days to warm up before working days. But lying on the couch all day is also not worth it. It’s best to clean up your house, prepare your office clothes, and look at your work plans for the coming days. Anyone who pushes away thoughts about the upcoming work until the last moment, on the first day after rest, finds himself faced with a large number of tasks that he does not know how to approach.2. Treat yourself with care. In the first days after the holidays, you should not overwhelm yourself with work. Get into the rhythm gradually. By maintaining a relaxed state, you will not immediately plunge into exorbitant tasks, but will get involved in work naturally.3. Pamper yourself. Work days can also start pleasantly. This could be a cup of coffee with a bun, a run in the park, a walk with the dog, or just breakfast with loved ones. Don't give up on small daily joys - they break up the routine.4. Remove distractions. When you return to work after rest, you need to fully concentrate. It’s better to leave browsing social networks, responding to messages and calling friends for later. Otherwise, you won’t get the job done, and you’ll be tired on the first day.5. Clean up your desk. Statistically, most people do this before going on vacation. But if for some reason you did not sort out the papers and various little things before the holidays, then do it on the first day of work. This will create a businesslike mood and help you remember where the necessary papers and documents are located.6. Check your work calendar. Brush up on when meetings are scheduled, projects are due, etc.7. Make a list of important things to do in the near future. Prioritize them and distribute them by date.8. Stop multitasking. Doing several things at the same time will not lead to anything good. This dispersal not only reduces your concentration and productivity, but also worsens your emotional state.9. Get yourself ready for work. In the first days, you still remember how well the holidays went. In this state, work is perceived as something negative. Remember some pleasant situations related to your work activities: your successes, communication with colleagues, salary, finally. This will let you know that there is also living space in the office.10. Find something to brag about. Going to school on September 1, children are looking forward to showing off their new acquisitions and experiences to their classmates. Be children too. Share the details of your vacation with your colleagues. And listen to their stories. In most cases, you can find pleasant moments in work. And then returning to the office after the holidays will be more pleasant.