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Each of us has encountered conflicts on the bus, at work, in relationships with loved ones and friends. These are all external conflicts. Today I want to talk to you about internal conflict, which often manifests itself as follows: insomnia, constant “mental chewing gum,” headaches, overeating or rapid weight loss, inability to concentrate, anxiety, panic, dissatisfaction with life, problems at work with fulfilling your duties , conflicts in the family, health problems, etc. And many people wonder what to do, how to avoid or rather resolve internal conflict? First, let's look at what underlies it. At the core there is a struggle of opposites, i.e. motives, attitudes, feelings, values ​​of a person’s inner world. For example: on the one hand, the desire to feel free and self-confident, and on the other, the fear of presenting oneself, one’s needs, desires. If the internal conflict is not resolved, i.e. a person does not find a way out for himself, then the conflict is aggravated by an intensification of the above symptoms. And then some people begin to close themselves off, withdraw into themselves, while others only talk about painful things. Internal conflicts can last for weeks, years, which leads to addiction, and the person no longer remembers when it all happened, how it all began. He simply stops managing his life, his feelings, emotions and becomes their hostage. How do others react to manifestations of our internal conflicts? Basically the reaction is the same: “never mind”, “it’s nonsense”, “everything will pass”, “you should calm down, stop thinking about it”, etc. Do you recognize? The reason for this reaction is that many are not familiar with the depth of experience of a person in internal conflict. Imagine that you are in a closed space where there is no light, windows or doors. You want to get out and can't find a way out. You are at a dead end. You don't know how to behave, you start to worry and panic, not understanding what to do? You express your anxiety to others, drink alcohol, get involved in various kinds of “pleasures” in search of relief and calm. This situation is unbearable, painful and destructive for you. In order to be able to continue to live with pleasure, the conflict requires its resolution. What lies deep in everyone who faces an internal conflict? This is fear. Fear of being helpless, defenseless, facing your own powerlessness and losing control of the situation. By ignoring these sensations, trying to avoid internal contradictions, a person actually runs away from himself, causing even greater harm. By allowing yourself to experience these sensations, you gain yourself, freedom of action. Yes, perhaps once upon a time someone did not protect you, did not support you, and then you were left alone with your fear, which accompanies you all your life. And it looks like the time has come to part with him. Look him straight in the eyes and tell him that you are not afraid of him. That you are no longer afraid of being helpless and defenseless. Because now you have YOU. In such situations, the main thing is not to despair. It is important to find those people who sincerely support you. Seek advice from a psychologist. And most importantly, boldly ask yourself simple questions. How can I learn more about myself with the help of this situation? How will internal contradiction help me change my attitude towards myself? What points of view, values ​​are fighting inside me? What do I accept and what do I not want to accept? What is stopping me from moving? And then the questions of what to do, how to resolve the conflict will be asked not by you, but by others. In an empty dark room, doors and windows have opened and light penetrates it.