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What is self-love? Self-love is deep acceptance and respect for one's own personality, values ​​and beliefs. It is the ability to forgive one's mistakes and shortcomings, to see oneself as a source of strength and happiness. People who love themselves do not need the constant approval of others and draw energy from internal resources. Why is it important to love yourself? Self-love is the basis of healthy relationships with others. Only by fully accepting and appreciating ourselves can we build harmonious connections with other people. In addition, it helps to overcome difficulties, increases self-esteem and gives strength to achieve goals. But how can you learn to truly love yourself? Signs that a person loves himself. - Do you have a habit of supporting yourself with kind words and thoughts? - Do you know how to find time for yourself and your hobbies? - Or maybe you have learned to speak “no” to what you don’t like? - All these qualities are indicators of self-love. - People who love themselves do not need other people’s approval, they confidently walk through life, enjoying every moment of it. Taking care of your body and health. Proper nutrition.- A person who loves himself understands the importance of a balanced and healthy diet. He pays attention to what he puts on his plate, giving preference to fresh, natural products. - Sports activities. Do physical exercises. Movement prolongs youth, improves health and improves mood. Playing sports is not an obligation, but a source of joy and pleasure. - Getting enough sleep. Adequate sleep is the key to good health and performance. Go to bed and wake up at the same time, creating favorable conditions for healthy sleep. Do not sacrifice your rest for the sake of work or entertainment. - Rest and relaxation. In addition, a person who loves himself knows how to competently organize his leisure time. He takes time to relax and recuperate - whether it's a walk in nature, taking a bath, or engaging in a favorite hobby. He understands that regular rest is necessary to maintain a high level of energy and productivity. Personality development. - Study and self-development. Broaden your horizons, learn new things, master useful skills. Sign up for courses, read an interesting book - anything that helps you develop and become a better version of yourself. - Discovering talents and abilities. In addition, a person who loves himself strives to discover and realize his innate talents and abilities. He experiments, tries himself in different areas in order to find what is truly interesting and brings him pleasure. - Setting and achieving goals. Finally, a person who loves himself sets ambitious but achievable goals and consistently moves towards them. He knows that he is capable of much and believes in himself. He rejoices at every step on the path to success and perceives failures as an opportunity for growth. Emotional self-expression - Recognition and acceptance of his feelings. A person who loves himself realizes that he has the right to experience any emotions - joy, sadness, fear, anger and others. He does not try to suppress or ignore them, but acknowledges and accepts them. Moreover, he learns to listen to his feelings and understand what they are trying to tell him. - Self-forgiveness. A person who loves himself knows how to forgive himself for mistakes and failures. He knows that no one is perfect and treats himself with compassion and understanding. He uses unpleasant situations as an opportunity for growth and development, and not as a reason for self-flagellation. Setting healthy boundaries - The ability to say “no”. He is not afraid to disappoint others if this goes against his own interests. - Defending his interests. In addition, a person who loves himself actively defends his rights and interests. He does not allow himself to be used or manipulated by other people. He confidently states his needs and demands that they be treated with respect. - Rejecting toxic people and relationships. Finally, a self-loving person is able to recognize toxic connections and relationships and!