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From the author: People are often entangled in dense prejudices and false attitudes. This makes them aggressive or unhappy. Who can unravel this serpentine tangle, this explosive situation? Who can clear the field? Circulation of patients in nature, or logotherapy on the seashore There is such an amazing place in Gelendzhik. It's called "Krucha". This is not there, closer to the Mayak, the place where there is a restaurant “On the Steep”. So for those who like to drink and eat, please don’t get lost. The place is wild. Open sea with clear water. The shore is rocky. Adjacent to a high cliff. They go down to the sea along the stairs. An ordinary dirt road leads there from the Parus microdistrict. Occasionally, people come to Krucha along it in their own cars. And those who do not have their own transport, and do not want to burden themselves with physical activity, order a taxi. Often people, poor fellows, who do not know any other way, wander along this rocky road, sweating in the heat. We were like that too. It was “Krucha” (clean sea) that we fell in love with in Gelendzhik. For 12 years in a row, my wife and I came as “savages” to Gelendzhik and rented housing. Then we settled permanently, keeping our apartment in Moscow. So, we discovered another, unique Gelendzhik. We walk to the open sea not along a dirt road, but along a path through the forest. Visiting pedestrians do not know this path. And we feel very sorry for them. And then the other day I went, as usual, to swim in clear water. It should be noted that there are relatively few people in this place. Not like in the area of ​​Gelendzhik Bay, where there are numerous beaches covered with several layers of human bodies. You won’t even be able to see a specific person there! It’s a completely different matter on Krucha. And then the other day I came to the wild shore alone. Settled down. Not far from me I saw a light brown female body of amazing beauty spread out on the shore. It lay on its back, covering its head. The delicate Venus de Milo can rest. Bazarov from Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons, a nihilist, naturalist, doctor, in this case would invariably exclaim: “What a luxurious body! Let’s go to the anatomical theater now.” That's what the anatomical museum was called at that time. I, inspired by higher aesthetic feelings, experienced something completely different. I really wanted to see the face of the woman who owned this feminine, athletic body of the classic type. I approached her. She opened her face and greeted me. It turns out she knows me. I didn’t identify her right away. It turned out that this was the same woman whom my wife and I a week ago, on our way back, “picked up” on a dirt road and took us through the forest to Gelendzhik. She was with a young man. They took pictures of each other along the way. We took them for vacationers. Evil tongues call them "dying." We then started talking. We found out that they are not tourists. She works in a hotel complex. He came to her from a neighboring village. They have known each other for a long time. As a farewell, I handed her and him separately my business card. That's the background. By the way, she didn’t bother to log into my educational website. She has no time. I don't think she or he intended to seek treatment from me in the next hundred years. Templates and stereotypes hold people firmly in their chains. Thinking is constrained. Life proceeds at the level of satisfying the most pressing needs. What kind of movement can there be here towards, if not self-improvement, then at least an elementary desire to change something for the better? For this there must be favorable conditions: at least find a reasonable person who will tell you in which direction to move. The path to insight is not easy or simple. Now we started talking like old acquaintances. Yes, by the way, regarding my illusions about heavenly beauty... As the Fox from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s “The Little Prince” said, “there is no perfection in the world.” Let me remind you how it was. In conversation with the Little PrinceA fox, pursued by hunters for stealing chickens, asks if there are hunters on his planet. He answers that no. The fox is delighted. But when he found out that there were no chickens there, he exclaimed in disappointment: “Eh, there is no perfection in the world!” The skin on her face is not smooth, changed, with a slight rash. Here and there on the body, unhealthy small bubbles firmly held their position. All this, on the whole, did not spoil the overall visual appeal. Moreover, the stomach was not riddled with scar changes, as is the case with women who have given birth. She was beautiful like a girl. But it was felt that something was wrong with her metabolism. She continued further. She has hypotension and frequent migraine-type headaches. Constipation. Cervical erosion. We found out this, so to speak, by the way. I was interested in her genetics. Where, from what planet did she appear on this earth. "Are you like your mother?" - I asked. “No, it’s like my dad, my mom is fat,” she answered. As far as I understand from other characteristics, the Trojan War would never have started because of her mother. For those who do not know ancient Greek myths, I will explain. The Trojan War began due to the abduction of the Beautiful Helen. Then she revealed the following to me. Her paternal grandmother, already having two unsuccessful, clearly degenerate children, became pregnant by a German during the occupation of part of Kuban. No, he didn't rape her. She worked as a cleaner in a hospital. He was a doctor. This is how her father was born - a tall, slender blond with blue eyes. He worked as a truck driver. He died of a massive stroke at the age of 50. I must admit that I have always been interested in questions of genetics, and everything related to origins is firmly embedded in my memory. From childhood I remember that one boy named Vasya was persistently called “a lui Usher.” In Moldovan, where there are no inflections, this literally means that this boy is from Usher. From my mother and from my neighbors, even as a child, I knew that Usher (that’s his name) was a Jew and a terrible libertine. Being a family man, with his own children, he impregnated women left and right. As a child, walking down the street, I saw a clearly sick girl sitting motionless on the threshold of her house with her head bowed. It was Vasya’s sister. And after the war, as an adult, I came to my native land for a short time. I met a short 80-year-old woman on the street. She was cheerful and intellectually intact. We started talking. I knew that she was Vasya’s mother. She said that Vasya is very smart, intelligent, has a successful marriage, his children are healthy, and works as a teacher in a neighboring village. She told about herself that she was an ethnically purebred Russian, stuck in Bessarabia (Moldova) when this territory was torn away from Russia by the Romanians in 1918. She married a Moldovan. Her daughter by him was degenerate and mentally retarded. But Vasya has been very successful and smart since childhood. I didn’t even show that I knew the origin story of her successful son. When two full-fledged genetic principles meet - female and male - a healthy, full-blooded tree grows. This is how human destinies sometimes turn out! However, let's get back to our original conversation. I found out that this woman is 35 years old. She was married. Her daughter is 15 years old. She divorced her first husband. Then, for a year and a half, she was officially married to the man with whom she was during our first meeting. He is sexually inept. That's why they separated. He is very fond of her. Attentive to her daughter. He defines his attitude towards this person as follows: “Well, like a suitcase without a handle, it’s hard to carry, but it’s a shame to throw it away.” She said that her boyfriend consulted a sex therapist. He gave him a bottle of some kind of stimulating mixture, charging him three and a half thousand rubles. The effect was not complete and short-lived. I didn’t see any more doctors. I ask her: “Do you really need sex?” He answers that not very much. She is aware that the men around her are not averse to having sex with her.