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From the author: If you want to confuse a coach, ask him a question - What is coaching? The answers will be different, depending on the school, the chosen concept, personal experience, worldview. I will briefly explain what this means for me. Coaching is professional assistance to a person in defining and achieving his personal goals, getting out of crisis and dead-end situations. So, in order, 1. Why professional - because it is high-quality, safe, and effective. Seriously, if we turn to any specialist - lawyer, doctor, psychologist - it is important for us that this specialist has the appropriate education and experience. It is unlikely that it would occur to you to turn to a person who just one day decided for himself that treating people is my calling - and went to treat them. Success will also be doubtful when contacting a person who decided that being a lawyer was his life’s work, bought a diploma and decided to defend you with the power of persuasion in his fiery speech addressed to the jury (ugh, ugh, ugh...) The list can be long , there is no point in going deeper. The main idea is to turn to professionals, coaching is about your life and its quality, the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of desires. This is important. Next, 2. Defining and achieving personal goals. Moreover, defining goals is half the success. Clearly answer the question that you will most likely hear first - What do you want? Exactly YOU. Not your parents, children, spouses and friends. And not what you think you want, but also learn to separate one from the other. When the goal is absolutely clearly defined, finding a strategy to achieve and moving towards this goal becomes many times more effective, and, importantly, you will do it with great pleasure. And this is the second half of success. Because this is your goal. The main idea is a clear definition of the goal and competent construction of a strategy to achieve it are the key to success. Goals can be different - building harmonious relationships, family, health, finances, creativity, harmonious development, your own business - the result is the same - making your dreams come true. What you want more than anything in the world, what is important to you. Because it's important. And lastly, 3. Getting out of deadlock and crisis situations. Moreover, it is important to emerge victorious from these situations. With new experience, with new strength, with new goals. And the way out of a crisis in coaching is not just to crawl away and catch your breath, but to understand why you needed this situation? What does this give you? How can you use it? And perhaps, in your opinion - I don’t want that... - you will hear the question - what do you want instead? And instead of wasting all your vital energy, strength and nerves on constantly dodging and running away from what you don’t want, you turn around and go towards what is most desirable and favorable for you. Yes Yes! Towards your goal, towards your dream. The main idea is that crisis situations have enormous potential. You need to be able to find the right way out, and use the experience gained and all the strength you have acquired to continue your life, giving yourself the opportunity to enjoy life again, be happy and give happiness and joy to people close to you. It is important.