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From the author: I received inspiration for writing this article while discussing some aspects of Lisa Piterkina’s article “Love No. 007: brutal, sexy, deadly.” I thank Lisa for the idea for creativity! This is the aspect we discussed: a person who is weak energetically moves impulsively, quickly, in some way, fussily. Despite the fact that strong-willed people move smoothly and measuredly, they are not in a hurry and have time to do everything. The first thing that came to my mind to confirm this seemingly paradox was the image of the Lord. Anyone, be it the leader of the Tumba-Yumba tribe, or a royal person. Remember for yourself how they move, as the leaders say. They have nowhere to rush. Like the bull from the joke: “There are two bulls standing on a hill. One is still a calf, the other is a mature bull. And, behold, the bull, looking at the herd, pushes the bull in the side and says: “Well, let's run, let's run! Now let’s cover that red-haired one!” To which the bull sedately replies: “Now we will slowly go down... And we will cover the entire herd.” If we continue with examples from life, we can remember small children. Those who can’t be put to bed in the evening. They want to sleep “like a gun” (hence their energy is low), and in order not to fall asleep, they start running, jumping and not falling. Have you observed people in your life who seem to be in no hurry, as if they have nothing to do, but manage (judging by their income) a lot. They do not chatter on the phone, their gestures are smooth and measured. Have you ever seen people who feel like a wedding horse? your head is covered in feathers, and your ass... uh... your butt is covered in soap and continues to tear at the British flag? They try to be on time everywhere, they are late, they miss meetings, information, they fussily make excuses on the phone with such a shrill recitative that you want to cover your ears. And what can you hear from this verbal diarrhea? It’s another matter when a person speaks measuredly, with clear diction. In time with the beats of the interlocutor’s heart. The most impressive speech rate. Suggestive. Try not to hear. So, is it weak to try to talk like this? In fact, many of us are really weak. In order not to rush, you need an inner core. Taking your time is much more difficult than it seems. As an example, I will cite the observations of a doctor who at one time taught massage to doctors. The trick of elite massage therapists is to achieve movements in rhythm with the beats of the heart (that rhythm again, yes...). However, the students tried so hard to succeed, they tried so hard that 99% (!) of them doubled their pace by the end of the session! Despite the fact that keeping this theme was a direct instruction for them. To move slowly and consciously, it is necessary... eh, now I will tell the common truths, like calming your mind, being present in the moment, and so on. But this is all the tip of the iceberg, as they say. Actions without an internal reason for them do not lead to results. When you have the right state inside you, the right actions will be organic for you, congruent with your state, and not technically learned. So what distinguishes an energetically strong person from an energetically weak one, except for the characteristics of their behavior and effectiveness in achieving goals? And is it worth changing ONLY behavior in order to become more successful? My opinion on the first question is this: they have a different state of mind and psyche. The second question is more difficult for me, I think that if the internal state and behavior are interconnected, then most likely By changing external conditions (behavior), you can change internal ones. At least partially. M. Norbekov shares approximately the same point of view. He says that if you straighten your shoulders and smile, your hormonal levels will change towards health. (This is extremely approximate, I quote it as the main idea). I used it myself. During my period of grief, it was so difficult to maintain my posture and straighten my shoulders that I had to keep this in mind all the time. The muscles ached from tension. However, I needed to “pull myself out” of the illness that I got due to stress, and thisit happened in two weeks. Maybe try slowing down the pace of your movements? Speeches? Feel for yourself whether strength will increase when we act without tension, without the eternal “fire in our pants”? Observe for yourself the people around you. What is more pleasant to look at? Purely according to your feelings. Smooth, measured movements, or sharp and angular ones? It feels (to me) that someone who moves fluidly, speaks slowly and clearly, is more present in their body and in their life. At the same time, this is not the lethargy of a rag, but the grace of a cat. I would even be more sophisticated and say “the grace of a spoiled panther.” Thus, when we are asked to “be relaxed,” this does not mean that we need to sit in a chair, fold our tired paws on our belly and be in a state of “she can’t do everything...”. Well, now why do we need this - to be relaxed and energetically strong. Who needs it, exactly. Spread charisma, make the world a better place, bringing calm and confidence into your common life to the best of your ability, save your nerves, find time to enjoy nature and the weather, reduce the number of wrinkles and increase the number of years lived. They say that turtles live so long because they are in no hurry. And another perspective is achieving a goal. Physicists will appreciate the idea. If a person attracts events into his life, then one can ask a reasonable question: with what force? Let's imagine that a person is a “battery”, and the capacities of all people are different. And if the goal is large and located far from us (we are now creating a hypothetical construct in the physical field), then we will “attract” the figures on the flyer much faster than a new job or apartment, for example. Despite the fact that a battery with high power will work like a vacuum cleaner, very quickly attracting what you want into your life. So, that’s what I’m talking about... Based on personal experience, I realized that all things are done better and more efficiently when There is peace inside me. It is expressed in measured gestures, a smooth gait, lack of fussiness and a slow pace of speech. You feel much better than when you’re running around like crazy, inside like a compressed spring, and all your gestures are like a jerk. I was able to regulate my internal states (at least partially) by changing my external behavior. So, I think, it was not for nothing that aristocrats attached such great importance to posture and head position when raising children. As a tool, I suggest you monitor how you move and, if possible, change the nature of your movements. In conclusion, I want to say that this state is simply beautiful. How do you like it? But she herself is majestic, She acts like a peahen; She speaks sweetly, As if a river is murmuring. Especially in comparison with some fussy tranny. The Swan Princess differs from ordinary beautiful women in that energy can be obtained from her... PS I will give a parable about enjoying nature and the weather: A certain merchant sent his son to the most important sage for the secret of happiness. The young man walked through the desert for forty days until he saw a magnificent castle on the top of a mountain. There the Sage, whom he was looking for, lived. Contrary to expectations, the castle did not at all look like the secluded abode of a righteous man, but was full of people: merchants were scurrying around offering their goods, people were talking in the corners, a small orchestra was playing a gentle melody, and in the middle of the hall there was a a table laden with the most luxurious and exquisite dishes that could be found in this region. The Sage slowly walked around the guests, and the young man had to wait for his turn for two hours. Finally, the Sage listened to why he had come to him, but said that now he had there is no time to explain the secret of happiness. Let the young man wander around the castle and return to this hall in two hours. “And here’s another request I have for you,” he said, handing the young man a teaspoon with two drops of oil. “Take this spoon with you and see that you don’t spill the oil.” The young man, without taking his eyes off the spoon, began to go up and down the palace stairs, and two hours later he again appeared before the Sage. “Well,” he said, “did you like the Persian carpets in the dining room? Trees and trees?”".