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These little children naively think that the world belongs to them. The sun rises for them, but as soon as they close their eyes, the whole world plunges into darkness. We, as parents, do not have the right to cultivate such selfishness, therefore it is necessary to throw all our strength into the fight against it, often involving distant relatives, teachers, and neighbors in this. And imagine the horror of the situation when a child does not value his parents, and even has his own opinion on some issues, and even argues, thinking that he has such a right. These are the very first signs of disrespect, which will certainly lead to the fact that parents will not receive the care due to their status in old age. To nip this obscurantism in the bud, I propose to use the following rules in raising a child: 1. Debtor rule. The child owes his parents for the fact that they gave him life. In addition, for the fact that it cost a lot - and because of it, my health was undermined, and my best years were given away, and my career did not work out. The child should be informed about this as often as possible. If your words do not give the desired result, you need to periodically tell your child that you actually didn’t want him at all, it happened by accident, and only evil fate forced you to give birth to him. Basic phrases and expressions that help achieve the desired effect: “leave me alone, I I feel bad"; “you don’t deserve it”; “you didn’t do anything again”; "you owe me"; “I’m ashamed of you”; “Please kindly remove everything urgently”; “until you do it, don’t even come near me”; “You will thank me again”; “You will never settle accounts with me” and many others.2. Rule of fear. Remember that only those who are feared are respected. If you come home from work and see a happy child, then you are missing something. Since a child cannot do everything as he should, there is always a reason for complaints and reproaches. It is best to scare the child that you will return him to the store, the little guy will take him, you will give him to his uncle... You understand that a cowardly child will treat you with respect and adoration. Basic phrases and expressions: “you want my death”; “how does the earth carry such idlers”; “I need to talk to you seriously”; “If I hear anything bad at a meeting, I’ll kill you”; “and don’t you dare leave the corner”; “you will still have a hard time”; “you’ll jump”; “I didn’t expect anything good from you”; “you’ll get it from me”; “Look, if you bring it in the hem, I’ll kick you out”; “get out of sight” and many others.3. Employment rule. A child has no right to waste time. The more free time he has, the more stupid things he will do. The harder it is for a child, the faster he will learn to overcome difficulties. Modern schools put too little workload on children, and don’t teach them housekeeping skills at all. Basic phrases and expressions: “you can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty”; “I have always worked hard”; “labor created man”; “So will you sit on my neck?”; “you will do it until you do it”; “do it well, it will turn out bad”; “no, to help, he sat down in front of the TV”; “Am I a horse for you?”; “The trash hasn’t been taken out, but he’s reading books” and many more. etc.4. Rule of usefulness: Everything your child does should be useful. This also applies to your child’s nutrition - you can only eat what is healthy, and not what is tasty. There should be no sweets in the house that are accessible to the child, as this can spoil the child’s appetite. If the child has not been useful for the whole day, then the day has passed in vain. And we have enough slackers even without him. And it is also very dangerous to praise a child if he has done something less than perfectly. And since only you do it perfectly, there is absolutely nothing to praise for. Basic phrases and expressions: “go wash your hands”; “eat with bread”; “you’re doing nonsense again”; “at your age Gaidar commanded a regiment”; “Do you want to become a janitor?”; “laziness was born before you”; “no, well, you saw it!”; “get a grip”; “stop counting crows”; “put your hands on the blanket”; “and what will grow out of you”; “You are as good as a goat’s milk”; “life must be lived in such a way that there is noit hurts excruciatingly!” and many more etc.5. Rule of superiority. Of course, respect is not only due to fear. They also respect you because you are more experienced, know more and are more capable. By frequently emphasizing your strengths with the obligatory comparison with the child’s shortcomings, you will receive even greater respect in the eyes of your offspring. With a consolidated position with other relatives and teachers, you will be able to get your son to respect everyone around him, and the child will obediently follow all the orders of adults. Basic phrases and expressions: “still small”; “before daddy goes to hell”; "teach your grandmother to suck eggs"; “what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull”; "I know better"; “I’ll kick you where your hands grow from”; “everything has to be redone after you”; “I can’t be wrong”; “if they tell you to jump out the window, will you jump?”; “where do you put your hands”; “And who are you like?” and many more etc.6. Rule of control. Lack of control breeds chaos. Children left to their own devices always grow up to be criminals. To avoid such a fate, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. But as a result, the child will be very grateful to you that you saved him from something very bad. There are no trifles in this matter. Lenin also wrote that accounting and control are necessary. Basic phrases and expressions: “show what’s in your pockets”; “Where does he live, who are his parents?”; “When you get there, call”; “account for every penny”; “how can I trust you after this”; "what did you eat today?"; “put on your hat”; “I’ll come and check”; “show me the diary”; “I just have to turn away and...”; “You can’t be trusted with anything”; “The thief’s hat is on fire”; “the truth stings the eyes” and many others.7. Rule of assessment: If you do not evaluate the child’s personality, he will most likely lose his temper in the end. The more clearly you can choose an evaluative expression, the faster you will guide your child on the right path. Remember that the assessment should sound tough and unambiguous. Although this applies only to assessments and censures. Praising, of course, is sometimes acceptable, but only for a feat. In this case, praise should be short, calm and quiet, so that the child understands that performing a feat is the most common thing for him. Basic phrases and expressions: “you have to be such an idiot”; “and the teachers say that you are stupid”; “here is another confirmation of my rightness”; “you dress like a prostitute”; “stop being stupid”; “and who needs you?”; “The law is not written for fools”; “the world has never seen such rubbish”; “Only oligophrenics do this”; “all like my father” and many others.8. The rule of meaninglessness. A very important rule, often forgotten by parents and teachers. The point of this rule is to convey to the boy that his life will be difficult, difficult trials will await him every day, and no matter what he does, it will still not be enough, and, often, meaningless. The more a child fears the future, the more he will depend on you and, as a result, you will be able to feel all the joy of honoring his parents. Basic phrases and expressions: “so much has been invested in you”; “and what can you achieve in life?”; “and then my friend got drunk because of it”; “When you feel bad, you will crawl to me first”; “to live well, you need to study well”; “nothing good will come of you”; “I know how this will end”; “don’t even try” and many more. etc.9. Rule of agreement. It is better to build relationships with your child on contractual terms. Taking into account rules No. 1 and No. 6, all agreements are built with clear monitoring of the child’s fulfillment of obligations. In this case, rule No. 5 allows you to change your side of the agreement according to the most beneficial scenario for you. Be careful, remember that children are naively trying to “outsmart” you, promise something, just to get away from them. These attempts must be stopped unambiguously, without leaving even the slightest chance of success. Basic phrases and expressions: “you promised”; “swear on my health”; “I can see in your eyes that you are lying”; “I don’t believe you anymore”; “you let me down again”; “and don’t even think about relaxing”; "Do not make me angry"; “you are not worthy of respect”; “I won’t forgive you for this” and.