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Transpersonal psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study of the spiritual, mystical and transcendental aspects of human experience. It suggests that humans are not only physical and psychological beings, but also spiritual beings, and that humans can achieve higher states of consciousness and self-awareness by connecting to this spiritual dimension. One of the areas of application of transpersonal psychology is the study of social adaptation of students. Social adaptation is the process during which a person adapts to social norms and expectations in a new environment. For students, this means adapting to the academic and social culture of the university or college. Social adjustment is critical to student success, as students who have difficulty adjusting may experience social isolation, academic difficulties, and mental health problems. Research has shown that transpersonal approaches can be effective in promoting the social adaptation of students. Transpersonal approaches to social adaptation are aimed at developing students' awareness of their spiritual nature and the interconnectedness of all things. This approach emphasizes the importance of developing empathy, compassion, and a sense of belonging to a larger community. The goal is to help students connect with their inner selves, develop a sense of purpose, and build meaningful relationships with others. One of the key techniques used in the transpersonal approach to social adaptation is meditation. Meditation is a practice that involves focusing attention on a specific object, thought or activity to achieve a state of mental clarity and emotional calm. Research has shown that regular meditation practice can help people reduce stress and anxiety, increase empathy and compassion, and improve overall well-being. By incorporating meditation into social adjustment programs, students can develop the internal resources they need to cope with the stresses and difficulties of university life. Another technique used in transpersonal approaches to social adjustment is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment, without judgment or distraction. This technique can help students become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as develop self-control and self-awareness. By practicing mindfulness, students can learn to more effectively manage their emotions, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve relationships with others. Transpersonal approaches to social adjustment also emphasize the importance of developing a sense of purpose and meaning in life. This involves helping students identify their values, passions and goals, and encouraging them to pursue activities that align with their deepest aspirations. By cultivating a sense of purpose, students can develop greater resilience and motivation, and become more committed to their academic and personal goals. In conclusion, transpersonal psychology offers a unique and valuable approach to the social adjustment of students. By helping students connect with their spiritual nature, cultivating empathy and compassion, developing mindfulness and self-awareness, and finding purpose and meaning in life, transpersonal approaches can help students cope more easily and resiliently with the challenges of university life. Thus, transpersonal approaches should be considered as a valuable addition to students’ social adaptation programs. Sincerely, Your psychologist, consultant, cognitive behavioral therapist, Yulia Churina