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1. Sleep mode. Difficulty falling asleep; after waking up suddenly at night, anxiety or obsessive thoughts prevent you from falling asleep; sleep less than 6 or more than 9 hours a night; sleep enough, but your sleep is restless, superficial, in the morning you don’t feel like you got enough sleep; I have nightmares about Appetite. I feel hungry all the time; I don’t feel like eating at all; food preferences suddenly changed - “it’s disgusting to even look at what I’ve always loved” Activity. You get tired quickly at work, you have no strength for anything, you just want to lie down or “be stupid on social networks”; a state of constant excitement, “race”, the need to be constantly busy with some activity (very important, of course) 2. Health Headaches, heart pain, abdominal pain, skin rashes, rapid heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, cold hands and legs, trembling, cough, digestive system disorders, sensitivity to bright light and loud sounds, darkening in the eyes, decreased sexual desire 3. Emotional state Irritability, rapid mood swings, anxiety, anxious “waiting for something,” obsessive fears (of illness, death - your own or loved ones, natural disasters, wars, etc.), panic attacks, apathy, high sensitivity to stress, touchiness, “you always want to cry” 4. Behavior Return home and check whether electrical appliances are turned off and the windows are closed and the front door It seems to you that you are sick with a serious illness (cancer, AIDS) and you continue to go to doctors, although your suspicions are not confirmed. You are irritated by the chaos, you spend a lot of time “putting everything on the shelves.” You pay a lot of attention to superstitions (you change the route if a black cat crossed the road) You are afraid of getting infected and wash your hands too often, use wet wipes and antibacterial gels 5. Relationships Relationships weigh on you, but you can neither distance yourself nor get closer to the person, “I am frozen like a fly in amber” It is difficult to start a relationship , and “the loneliness is somehow burdensome” Relationships with different people develop according to the same scenario, and “I began to guess that it’s all about me” You love each other, but you can’t live together The person you love doesn’t understand what you necessary, you don’t feel enough care and love on his part, you doubt that this is “the one” The boss’s demands are impossible, but you feel fear and guilt when you think about telling him about it The child’s behavior makes you angry or upset, and “ I feel like I’m losing control - both over my son and over my feelings and behavior."So, you have found some of the above (or all:) Most likely, this is normal if: There is something happening in your life (or recently happened ) something significant and atypical - a wedding, separation, change of job, hospitalization, arrival and departure of a loved one, etc. The symptoms generally do not interfere with your life, there is no regularity or consistency. Everyone sometimes has a headache, is not in the mood, has trouble sleeping and “everything makes you angry.” Perhaps a consultation with a psychologist/psychotherapist will be useful if: You are worried about your condition, it seems to you that there are no special reasons for it You have consulted doctors about the symptoms from point 2, but the doctors see no medical reason, they say “you are healthy” or direct you to “treat your head” Your loved ones are concerned about your condition, hint or directly report that something is wrong with you PS And the simplest and most reliable way: ask yourself if you are a happy person:)