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Case on psychosomatics: “Dry, cracking skin on a child’s feet.” If a child has skin rashes, such as atopic dermatitis, examoditis, urticaria, diathesis, etc. then you can help him by working with his mother. In psychosomatics, every symptom/disease has a conflict that a person cannot resolve at the level of consciousness or behavior, so our smart body is in a hurry to help us. Today I will tell you about one story and how you can help your child cope with skin rashes by understanding the cause and getting blocked emotions. So, the client came in with the fact that her son “has dry, cracking feet, there is no diagnosis. They took fungi for culture - there are none. “It’s just dry skin, there are not enough vitamins,” said the dermatologist. They connected it with the pool, so they checked the fungus , but it’s been almost a 2-month break from the pool, and it’s getting worse. The child suffers from this because they crack until they bleed, periodically itch and hurt. It started at 7.5 years old.” I would also like to add that various ointments also did not provide any effect or cure. Let’s see. main conflict: ??Skin - usually about separation (lack of desired/unwanted contact), ??and feet in psychosomatics are about support and support, impossibility / unwillingness to walk quickly. Reliance on mother.? We tie everything together and we get - conflict separation from mother. Reluctance to enter into a relationship with the mother, to figure out what is there. Next, our task is to find, at certain points (calculated from the date of diagnosis and the age of the mother for this period), events that fit this conflict. Here are some events that happened for both mother and for a son, traumatic in order to trigger a reaction in the body: “Separation from my son due to the fact that I was in custody with my daughter for a month due to forced circumstances. My son left with my husband for another city, this was the first time that we were separated for such a long time and far away. (My son didn’t go to the garden then, I was with him 24/7).” “He left in the elevator without me, I got out with the sleigh, but before he had time to call someone, he couldn’t calm down for a long time, saying that I left him - 2 years 4 months old still remembers it." - here we can also see the conflict of lack of support and separation from the mother. “I took the birth of my sister (daughter) badly, painfully, is still jealous, didn’t want her to be and now doesn’t want her...” - conflict of separation from the mother. In these situations there are a lot of unexpressed emotions that need to be brought out and spoken to the child. “Whoever needs it, write and I’ll send you a description of how this can be done. It’s also important for us to look at the client’s relationship with her own mother. Because this is the primary story. The child, being in the mother’s field (energy connection), simply helps her live her stories. And the symptom can be very quickly dissolved if you change your behavior and internal attitude towards situations with your mother, which we also found during the work: “I don’t remember a single emotional conversation in my 36 years. And if you tell her something about it, everyone will know district. And this is also annoying. Also alcohol, every Friday... My mother and I argued a lot about this topic, especially when my son appeared."Another emotionally charged situation was when the client was breastfeeding her son, calming him down, and he kept crying and crying. screamed and there was already powerlessness, the feeling that she couldn’t cope, that she was doing something wrong, and the desire not to be a mother at all (from lack of strength), I think this is a familiar situation for any mother, when a child screams and has no idea how to calm him down ... So at this moment, the client’s mother gave a beating with the words: “Get yourself together. What are you allowing yourself to do?” - here there is also a perception that the client has lost support in the person of her mother. Here they are: the conflict of separation and the lack of desirable contact (with a loving, supportive, understanding mother) and the presence of unwanted contact (with a judgmental, unaccepting, critical mother). This is more than enough to trigger such processes on the skin of the child’s feet. Dear mothers, each case is individual, and each of us has our own stories of when it was painful, and where we don’t want to look. My goal 8999 721 12 44