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Continued. Beginning: https://www.b17.ru/article/279255/I would like to speculate about the field in which conflicts occur. I would highlight three types of conflict fields, or coordinate systems. These are the logical field, aesthetic and ethical. In the logical field of conflict, those in conflict try to find arguments in such a way that there are no logical contradictions in them and, on the other hand, they look for these contradictions among their opponents. Sometimes these disputes can lead to a dead end, since opponents may have different foundations, postulates, axioms, that is, what is accepted a priori, on faith. For example, it will be pointless for adherents of different religions to argue and conflict about their beliefs, since the foundations are different. This happens in families too. Spouses from different families, received different upbringings, many of the postulates that they adopted from their parents, and which they took for granted, turn out to be completely different from their partner. Often it looks like a conversation between a blind person and a deaf person. That is, in a logical conflict field, it is necessary, first of all, to look for common postulates, something that both recognize as logically correct. In the aesthetic conflict field, for those in conflict, their subjective tastes come first. On the one hand, it seems that this situation is more deadlocked than a conflict in the logical field, but on the other hand, there is more clarity here, since opponents initially understand this difference. And their task is to find an option that both partners would optimally like. In an ethical conflict field, what is at stake, that is, the cause of the conflict is not an object, as is the case in a logical or aesthetic field, but the subject and his spiritual comfort. Actually, the idea of ​​conflictlessness can be initiated here, but only until a third subject appears. For example, a husband and wife take care of each other, care about the peace of mind and well-being of their partner. But then children appear, which the spouses are also ready to take care of, but it turns out that everyone sees it differently and suspects the partner of doing it wrong and causing discomfort to the children. If you listen to leaders of different religious denominations and political parties, then they all conflict with each other precisely in the ethical field, wanting only good for people, but it is precisely these conflicts, as history shows, that turn out to be the bloodiest. It is also worth considering that partners often conflict in different, parallel fields. For example, the wife is in the aesthetic, and the husband is in the logical, and then it can also be difficult to agree. To be continued.