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From the author: Time is more than just money! How to organize time? How to keep up with everything? One of the pressing problems of modern humanity is the acute lack of time in conditions of information overload. With age, you understand that time is an irreplaceable resource, which is why it is so valuable, and it is so important to be able to use this resource effectively, since this directly affects personal success depends. The first thing you need to do if you don’t have time to do anything is stop complaining. Lots of things to do and little time - this will always be the case and this must be accepted. Every day we have 86,400 unique seconds in our power, which we have the right to dispose of. How to do this will be prudently suggested by the tips that will be discussed later in the article. Control your time Rarely do we fairly assess our strength, which is why we often downplay our abilities, not realizing the energy inherent in us. Unclaimed units burn out along with time, which can no longer be returned. The potential for effective use of time is inherent in every person, but many are ready to do without it and live life at a slow pace. Set goals by setting deadlines Setting a goal is a key step to managing your time well. Unfortunately, action orientation can be found more often than direct result orientation. In this case, people are usually guided by the categories of the nearest. A time-based goal presupposes a specific work plan. When the goal is clear, plan your time so that solving the most important tasks comes first. Prioritize and Maintain Them Write down the six most important tasks for the next day, numbering them in order of increasing importance. Once you start working on task number one, do not switch to the next one until the first one is completed. Do the same with the second, third and subsequent tasks. Don't worry if you can only complete one, two or three tasks. This is not important, the main thing is that you worked on the most significant of them. Other items can wait. Such a list can be compiled at the end of each working day, spending only 5-7 minutes on it. The first items can be those tasks that were not completed on the current day, and then new ones that arose along the way. There is a high probability that new tasks may be more important than the remaining ones, then they should be placed at the top of the list. It happens that the same issues remain constantly unresolved and hang at the end of the list day after day. Think and decide whether they really matter to you and whether they should be excluded from priority tasks altogether. Make a list of tasks and follow it Prioritize tasks and be guided by the list. This is one of the most effective approaches to organizing time. Make a general list of questions, add to it the tasks that need to be solved. Record in that order freely, without a specific order. It is not advisable to use separate sheets of paper; it is best to have a special notebook for this. Review the list daily. Divide large projects into portions that can be realistically completed in a day. Determine priorities: those tasks must be completed today, others can be postponed until the next day, and others can be assigned to the performers. Make not only lists for each day, but a separate sheet of tasks for the week. There should be no “hanging” questions - if you decide to postpone some item for a while, mark the exact date by which it must be completed. It is advisable to analyze the lists daily, based on priorities. When determining the time frame, the urgency of the tasks and their importance to achieving the main goals must be taken into account. A careful approach to this simple procedure will help program the subconscious in such a way that any task over time will automatically be time-bound and, accordingly, completed on time. Monitor your level of performance..