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"I gave him all of myself! And he!" This is the state I call “staying with my nose”! In order not to live my life in this way and not “staying with my nose”, I I suggest you... change your tactics. Namely, leave yourself a certain part of the resources - time, money, effort. And this is precisely what caused me the greatest difficulty ten years ago. Well, I was not accustomed to such a “feat”! By the time I remembered myself, I no longer had the strength or desire. I gave not just “the best,” I gave everything! This is how my unconscious desire to give, leaving nothing for myself, manifested itself. This is the same “wow”! This same “wow” also manifested itself in relation to money. I spent everything I earned. That is, everything that came to me, I gave away. I gave for services, for goods, thereby paying for the work of other people. At the same time, my balance tended to zero. The take-give balance is the difference between how much you take and how much you give. At that moment, to my happiness, I came across holding the book "The Richest Man in Babylon". It was from her that I learned that the main rich man of the richest city on Earth at that time used the principle of “keep a tenth for yourself.” That’s when I saw that my balance was not just tending to zero, but was rushing into the negative area. The balance of giving and taking is well monitored in relationships. Male energy is the energy of giving. Female energy is accepting. When a woman gives more than she receives, she has a bias towards male energies. Men next to her relax and live with the slogan “everyone owes me.” When a man takes more than he gives, he has a bias towards feminine energies. Women next to him tense up and live for a very long time under the slogan “Well, I have to!” She tenses up, becomes tough and hyper-responsible. He relaxes, becomes soft and uninitiative. Now you see how important the right balance of give and take is for women. His formula This is - a woman should give a little less than she takes! And the difference, which is approximately equal to ten percent, should be kept for herself and spent in the future on her own needs. After all, if you don’t keep at least a small part for yourself, then how will you care and love others? And how can you implement your most ambitious project “Me and my life”?! Olga Fedoseeva, I help women find themselves and a POSITIVE BALANCE For my beloved clients and those who are just about to become them! From March 6 to 10: When you pay for 5 in-person sessions, you receive a gift absolutely free - the sixth! With a one-time payment of 10 online sessions - eleventh as a gift! Sign up for a consultation here or by phone: 8-921-436-87-03 W/V/T