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Just recently, no one would have thought that the coronavirus would spread across the planet at a tremendous pace, turning into an epidemic. The entire country is in quarantine, all restaurants, parks, theaters, museums are closed. The whole family stays at home for a long time. Of course, we are accustomed to the fact that all family members are busy with their own affairs on weekdays: work, study, school, clubs, hobbies, etc. In fact, we only gather as a family on weekend. But now the whole family has to spend together not the weekend, but how long the quarantine will last. How to use this time for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones? How not to spoil relationships with relatives while staying at home? I would advise parents to leave their young children and/or teenage children with the daily routine to which they are accustomed and make sure that they do not stay late in the evenings, but go to bed and get up at their usual times. Yes, to school and There is no need to go to university, but many educational institutions have transferred children to distance learning. Therefore, it is necessary that the child does not “fall out” of the work schedule. The child should not stop additional classes, music classes, studying foreign languages, etc. It is necessary live this week as an ordinary work week: children do their usual school activities, university projects, parents do those things that they “didn’t get around to.” And it’s not at all necessary to unite everyone with one idea, let everyone mind their own business. And most importantly, not you need to overload yourself and your children with all sorts of obligations and worries, since overload and fatigue can cause quarrels and conflict. Everything should be fun! If you have a difficult relationship with teenage children, then you don’t need to re-educate the child, you need to try to bring the child closer to you. There is no need to systematically check his room for order and cleanliness and make demands, entering into conflict. The child may be the one who is the mess. unconsciously wants to convey to his parents so that they notice that he lacks love, affection, and participation. In this case, unobtrusively offer him your help in putting things in order. Do not lecture or reproach him, but tell him during the process of cleaning together about the book you read , a good movie, about your childhood, make plans with him for the summer. Talk to your child, let him tell you what movie or play he likes, let him tell you its content, then discuss it with him. Perhaps for the first time you will encounter with resistance on the part of the teenage child, but these will be the first steps towards your rapprochement with him. If you have a tradition in your family of getting everyone together at the dinner table, you can interest the children in preparing dishes together, dividing into a team of girls and boys (with the participation mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers). And then taste all the prepared dishes and praise each participant. You can come up with many different joint entertainments that will be interesting to all your family members. If one of your family members does not want to participate in this at all, let him mind his own business. Maybe next time he will see how much fun you have, then too will want to join your circle. Game methods in relationships give a positive attitude and help to avoid many conflicts. The main thing is that you don’t need to suddenly change anything in the usual course of your family’s life. But everything can’t be perfect in a family. Conflicts still arise and this is normal. After all, they appear exactly where people love each other, between the closest, dearest people who do not intentionally want to offend each other. In such quarrels, it is important not to “fall into” petty grievances and reproaches, remembering what else will further aggravate the situation and cause even greater tension in the relationship. The conflict arises on an emotional level and this indicates that the parties to this conflict want to be understood and heard. We all love positivity, someone should always say: “We love you, we appreciate you.” , we notice.” So your loved ones need to do this more often.