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Sometimes it happens that external political, economic and other global events cause mass panic. We could see a similar panic at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, when people bought food and household items en masse and withdrew their money from banks. A similar panic is happening now. Actions arising from panic are usually carried out on the first irrational impulses, when information is not verified by a person, but becomes a guide to action. Such actions are characterized by speed, impetuosity, absence or lack of analysis of information. They are aimed at protecting yourself and preparing for a “rainy day.” In a situation of panic, a person reacts to any information as if it were an external threat, which prevents him from critically perceiving reality and analyzing it. Giving in to mass impulses, he loses calm, stability and the ability to take care of himself. How to resist mass panic? This article will outline simple recommendations that may be of benefit to someone.1. Firstly, before becoming a guide to action, any information must be carefully analyzed and verified. Even if a person feels that he is in an unpredictable situation and lack of time, he should refrain from impulsive actions and try to understand the essence of what is coming from various news sources and media. To do this, you can create a structure of questions that will help you better navigate what is happening. For example, what is being said, what is the essence of the message being conveyed, who is saying, what this person said or wrote earlier, how realistic his words turned out to be, what the message being conveyed is aimed at, what feelings it evokes, why it is being conveyed, what goal the person may be pursuing. who distributes it, who may benefit from the reaction to it. Analyzing any message from the media according to this structure does not take much time, but it allows you to create a barrier or filter between yourself and the received information, and distinguish what may be useful from empty and panic-causing messages. 2. Secondly, in a situation of uncertainty it is difficult to plan anything further, since the situation is fundamentally unpredictable, and it can unfold in any way. Therefore, any actions to plan for the worst outcome are more likely to take away current resources from a person than, in fact, prepare him for one or another outcome of future events. Whatever actions we take, we do not know how the situation will unfold further, and how useful these actions will be. It is difficult to simply observe events and do nothing, and making chaotic movements gives the illusion that at least something is being done, however, it is not a fact that these actions will lead to success. But by depriving himself of current resources, a person deprives himself of the opportunity to cope with the difficulties that may befall him in the future. Therefore, in a stressful situation, it is better to take care of conserving resources.3. Thirdly, since a situation of panic erodes a person’s individuality and personality, subordinating him to mass sentiments, it is important to try to preserve and retain oneself, i.e. contact with yourself. Instead of being guided by what others think, write and say, for this you need, first of all, to ask - what do I think about this? How does the current situation make me feel? How is she connected to me now? How can she be connected specifically with me in the future? A personal attitude towards a situation can only be formed from within, so you need to try to regain contact with your feelings. And for this, it is important for a person to take time to be alone with himself and reflect. Get out of the endless stream of successive news and try to find within yourself your own attitude to what is happening.4. Fourthly, it is important to clearly distinguish between the past, present and future. Panic is often caused by fear]